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傲慢与偏见原著 EXT. LONGBOURN HOUSE - DAY. FADE UP ON: A YOUNG WOMAN, as she walks through a field of tall, meadow grass. She is reading a novel entitled First Impressions. This is LIZZIE BENNET, 20, good humoured, attractive, and nobodys fool. She approaches Longbourn, a fairly run down 17th Century house with a small moat around it. Lizzie jumps up onto a wall and crosses the moat by walking a wooden plank duck board, a reckless trick learnt in early childhood. She walks passed the back of the house where, through an open window to the library, we see her mother and father, MR and MRS BENNET. MRS BENNET: My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last? We follow Lizzie into the house, but still overhear her parents conversation. MRS BENNET: (contd) Do you not want to know who has taken it? MR BENNET: As you wish to tell me, I doubt I have any choice in the matter. 2 INT. LONGBOURN - CONTINUOUS. As Lizzie walks through the hallway, we hear the sound of piano scales plodding through the afternoon. She walks down the entrance hall past the room where MARY (18) the bluestocking of the family, is practising, and finds KITTY (16) and LYDIA (15) are listening at the door to the library. Lizzie pokes Lydia. LIZZIE: Liddy! Kitty - what have I told you about listening at – LYDIA: Never mind that, theres a Mr Bingley arrived from the North KITTY: - with more than one chaise LYDIA: - and five thousand a year! LIZZIE: Really? LYDIA: And hes single! JANE, the eldest and very beautiful if rather naive sister, materializes at Lizzies elbow. JANE: Whos single? LIZZIE: A Mr Bingley, apparently. KITTY: Shhhh! She clamps her ear to the door. LIZZIE: Oh, really Kitty. Lydia leans in, whilst Jane and Lizzie strain to hear without appearing to. 3 INT. LIBRARY - LONGBOURN - CONTINUOUS. Mr Bennet is trying to ignore Mrs Bennet. MRS BENNET: What a fine thing for our girls! MR BENNET: How can it affect them? MRS BENNET: My


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