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unit08_newwords_a <1>satisfactory a. good enough for a particular situation or purpose 令人满意的 Sales rise by 20% from last year; that's very satisfactory. 销售额比去年增加了20%, 这是非常令人满意的。 This method of heating is not satisfactory for large buildings. 这种取暖办法用于大型建筑物并不令人满意。 <2>flash vi. 1. (of an idea) come suddenly (想法、灵感等)突然产生 The idea flashed into his mind. 他突然想到了这个主意。 The thought that I might be wrong flashed through my mind. 我可能错了的想法突然闪入我的脑海。 2. pass quickly 飞驰,掠过 Ten years seem to flash by. 十年转眼就过去了。 A red car flashed by. 一辆红色汽车飞驰而过。 <3>particularly ad. especially 特别是;特别地 More local employment will be created, particularly in service industries. 地方将提供更多的就业机会, 尤其是服务行业。 I cannot leave him, particularly now. 我不能离开他, 尤其是现在。 <4>glow vi. produce a soft, steady light 发光 Colored lights glowed on the celebration night. 节日之夜灯火辉煌。 The colored sticks glowed in the darkness of the playground. 荧光棒在黑漆漆的操场上发着光。 <5>creation n. 1. [U] the act of creating sth. 创造 The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children. 建立新的运动场地将会使当地儿童受益。 The government will provide more money for job creation. 政府打算在创造就业岗位方面提供更多的资金。 2. [C] sth. that has been created 作品;艺术品 This is the artist's latest creation. 这是那位艺术家的最新作品。 Birds' nests are extraordinary creations. 鸟巢是非凡的艺术品。 <6>mystery n. [C] sth. that is not fully understood or difficult to understand 谜;神秘的事物 The origin of the universe is still a mystery. 宇宙的起源仍然是个谜。 Why he went there is a mystery to me. 他为什么去那儿对我来说是个谜。 <7>reasonable a. showing common sense; fair 合理的;适当的 He should give us a reasonable explanation. 他应该给我们一个合理的解释。 The price seems reasonable, but I don't like the color. 价格还算公道,但我不喜欢那个颜色。 <8>psychology n. [U] the study of the mind and how it works and influences behavior 心理学 feminist psychology 女性心理学 Developmental psychology is probably the liveliest subject these days. 发展心理学也许是眼下最活跃的学科。 <9> <em>psychologist</em>n. [C] a person who is trained in psychology 心理学家 You may turn to the psychologist for help. 你可以到那位心理学家那儿


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