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New Words garment n. [C] an article of clothing 衣服,服装 garment factories 服装厂 This garment should be washed carefully. 这件衣服应该小心洗涤。 cripple vt. 1. cause to lose the use of a limb or limbs 使残疾 She was crippled in the car accident. 在一次车祸中她的腿残了。 2. damage or weaken seriously 损坏,削弱 The ship was crippled in the storm. 船在风暴中受到损坏。 n. [C] one who is partially disabled or unable to use a limb or limbs 伤残人 He that lives with cripples learns to limp. 近朱者赤, 近墨者黑。 tug v. pull hard with force or much effort 用力拉,拖 The child tugged at my hand to make me go with her. 这孩子使劲拉着我的手,让我和她一起走。 limp vi. 1. walk with an uneven step 跛行,一瘸一拐地走 He limped off the football field. 他一瘸一拐地走出足球场。 She seemed to be limping very slightly, something he had failed to notice when they walked to school together. 她似乎稍微有些瘸,但在他们一起步行去学校时他没有注意到。 2. (of a ship, etc.) move or proceed with difficulty (船只等)艰难行进;(业务等)缓慢进行 The project limped along with half its previous funding. 这个项目得到预定资金的一半,进展很缓慢。 Four hours late, the train limped into Waterloo station at midnight. 火车迟到了4个小时,终于在午夜缓慢地开进滑铁卢车站。 optimism n. [U]the belief that whatever happens will be good ,and that all will be well in the end 乐观主义 The top managers are full of optimism towards the sales volume of computers next year. 高级经理们对明年计算机的销量十分乐观。 affirm vt. 1. declare positively or firmly; maintain to be true 断言, 坚定地声明,证实正确 The witness affirmed the facts. 证人确认那些是事实。 As he affirms early on, people only remember the winners. 如他以前所断言的那样,人们只记住胜者。 2. support or uphold the validity of 支持或维护……的正确性 The upper court affirmed a judgment of the lower court. 上级法院维持下级法院的判决。 sacred a. holy; serious,solemn and important in the way religious things are 神圣的,不可侵犯的 He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead fathers wishes. 他认为实现父亲的遗愿是他神圣的义务。 nourish vt. 1. provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth; feed 滋养;喂养 Milk n


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