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第一单元 nd for the latter two forms of friendship is closely related to material benefits,short-term interests or age,genuine friendship occurs only between those who are similar in their goodness.Cicero,another ancient scholar,believes that true friends' actions and lives should leave no question as to their honor,purity,equity and liberatily.Whether or not one possesses any superiority over the other,both must regard themselves as equal of the other and try their best to preserve the friendship.Moreover,true friends are bound together,as a friends is said to be a mirror in which you may perceive and know yourself.When virtuous friends are bonded together by a commitment to the good,they can recognize each other's moral excellence and fulfill their self-improvement 第四单元 AIDS is a terrible disease.It poses a threat to all the human beings without caring whether you are black or white,male or female,gay or straight,young or old.But what is at risk now is not just the people infected with the disease.Human civilization itself is being threatened.This is because the whole society tolerates both ignorance of and prejudice against HIV or AIDS.Onece diagnosed as HIV-positive,the victims are isolated or have entered some alien state of being.As a result,these poor people have to shelter the flickering candle of life from the cold wind of rejection by their family members.When they die of the disease,their families dare not whisper the word AIDS.They just grieve silently.Thus, our prejudice and silence have helped the disease along.Now HIV marches firmly towards AIDS in more than a million American homes,littering its pathway with the bodies of the young.To guard against the disease effectively,we must take this issue seriously.People should be educated to bring those negative attitudes to an end.We should not see AIDS as something evil and the patients as alien.Instead,we should concern oueselves with the prevention of the disease and render strong support to the patients w


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