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记叙文英语受伤 中考英语记叙文范文探病 中考英语记叙文范文:探病 上周,Jim生病住院,我们去看他 ,他很高兴,他说他在那已呆了两天,他对这个月月底的考试感到紧张。因为他很多课都没上,糟糕的天气也对他的情绪产生影响。我们叫他别紧张,我们可以轮流帮他学习功课,我们也会带些CD来让他听音乐。他很高兴。 Jim is ill last week. We went to see him. He was very glad. He said he stayed there alone for two days. He was nervous about the test at the end of this month because he missed lots of lesssons. And the bad weather affected his feelings, too.?We asked him to take it easy because we could take turns to help him with his lessons. And we would bring some CDs to him so that he could listen to music. He was very pleased. 篇二:英语故事性记叙文写作攻略 故事性记叙文写作攻略 【题型特征】 记叙文是记人叙事的文章,是中学英语书面表达中的常见文体之一。故事性记叙文是以叙事为主要表达方式,以描写人物的经历和事件发生发展的过程以及事件发生的前因后果等为主要内容的一种文体。记叙文以记叙为主,间有描写、抒情或议论。 记叙文的六要素:时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、起因(why)、经过(how)和结果(what)。 【注意事项】 1、要素:只有交待清楚记叙文的六要素,读者才能清楚、全面地了解所叙述的故事。 2、人称:一般来说,英语记叙文展开记叙的视角有两个:第一人称和第三人称。 3、顺序:最常用的是按事件发生的时间顺序进行记叙。偶尔可用倒叙、插叙等方法。 4、时态:用过去时态,常以一般过去时为主。因为文章是叙述过去发生的事情。 5、内容:要全面,重点要突出,详略 要得当。 【典型例题】 请根据以下故事梗概,写一篇故事性记叙文。可适当增加细节。词数:120—150。 李东上课时玩手机,被老师发现。在办公室,李东不承认自己玩手机。老师沉默了,然后讲了一个故事,感动了李东。李东意识到老师是为自己好,于是承认了错误,并保证以后不再犯类似错误。最后,李东感谢老师的帮助和善意。 ●?例题解读 1、根据要求可知:本文是一篇故事性记叙文,用过去时态,以一般过去时为主。 2、通过故事梗概确定以下写作要点: ①时间:one day 地点:(in the class and) in the office 人物:Li Dong and his teacher 起因:Li Dong played with a mobile phone in class 过程:The teacher talked with Li Dong in the office 结果:Li Dong realized his mistake and thanked his teacher 3、组织要点,连句成篇。 ●?学生范文 One day, Li Dong was doing something using a mobile phone in class when his teacher saw all this. Later in the office, his teacher asked him what he used the mobile phone to do and why he did so. Li Dong said he didn?t play with any mobile phone, which his teacher didn?t expect. Faced with such a situation, his teacher was puzzled and kept silent for a while. Then he told a story to Li Dong, which moved him deeply. Li Dong realized his teacher showed great concern for him. So he admitted his playing a mobile phone in class and decided not to make s


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