罗诉韦德案. - 幻灯片1.ppt

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* Loading… … 媒体与设计学院 宣云崖 Roe v. Wade 罗诉韦德案 群众运动风起云涌 司法能动主义确认 妇女问题成为焦点 隐私权作理论基础 两起事件 1962谢里·芬克拜案 + 1964麻疹堕胎案 ——引起全社会关注堕胎问题 《权利法案》 “第八条:妇女有权控制她们的生育行为,废除限制妇女获得避孕知识及药具的刑法和管制堕胎的法律”。 《女性的奥秘》 贝蒂·弗里丹:“冲出‘舒适的集中营’——家庭,重新找回‘失去的自我’,争取与男人平等的地位和权利。” Norma 遭轮奸以致怀孕 Norma被迫分娩 Norma McCorvey ———Roe 德州法律禁止堕胎 女权主义者: Linda Coffee Sara Weddington Abortions in early pregancy were leaglly available in the four livberalized states, economics alone put thousands of women in a cruel situation. First, the moment of choice lay when a woman decided to get pregnant; Second, the fetus was a human being and thereafter the state must protect its life. 1600 Texas women had gone to New York for abortions No claims tell whether a fetus was a person Women have the right to have control over their own lives Admit no court case had recognized the fetus as a person Agree that 14th Amendment protected the rights only to those “born or naturalized “in the U.S.A Could cite no medical evidence that a fetus was a person Whether shes unmarried; whether shes pursuing an education; whether shes pursuing a career; whether she has family problems; all of the problems of personal and family life, for a woman, are bound up in the problem of abortion. I think that in as far as liberty is meaningful, that liberty to these women would mean liberty from being forced to continue the unwanted pregnancy. the court ruled that a woman who commits an abortion on herself is guilty of no crime. Again, she being regarded as the victim, rather than the perpetrator of the crime. 1973年1月22日,美国联邦高院最后以7比2的表决,确认妇女决定是否继续怀孕的权利受到宪法上个人自主权和隐私权规定的保护,这等于承认美国堕胎的合法化。 德克萨斯州的现行法典,除为挽救母亲生命的堕胎合法外,有关堕胎犯罪的条款违背了宪法第14条修正案的合法程序条款。 为保护母亲健康,州政府可以制定与母亲健康相关的堕胎程序法规 第二个孕期 医生有权做出堕胎决定并付诸实施 第一个孕期 为保护潜在的人类生命,州政府可以规定甚至禁止堕胎 第三个孕期 关于“人”的涵义:首先将其定义为“公民”,其次是“在美国出生或获得美国国籍的人”。 关于隐私权:美国宪法没有提及。法院认为,州政府有权制定医疗标准和保护胎儿生命。 关于隐私权与州政府权力的关系:州政府有权确定在妊娠的某个阶段是孕妇的健康还是胎儿的生命更有价值。 1973年的“罗诉韦德案”是在美国最高法院的历史上最具争议和最有政治影响的案件,是美国关于堕胎问题的一个具有里程碑意义的案例,其影响被美国人视作等同于第二次内战。它的判决引发的全



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