Unit1 Section A words.ppt

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Unit 1 Section A New Words fantasy n. 1. 空想;幻想;梦想 George lives in a world of fantasy. 乔治整天生活在幻想的世界中。 2. 空想的产物;幻想作品 The whole story is a fantasy. 这整个故事只是一个虚构。 3. 【音】幻想曲 suspicion n. 1. 怀疑,疑心,猜疑[U][C][+(that)] I had a strong suspicion that Tom had seen me coming. 我很怀疑汤姆看到我进来。 They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousy. 他们因互相猜疑,嫉妒而对立。 2. 嫌疑[U] Shes been arrested on suspicion of spying. 她因涉嫌间谍活动而被捕。 3. 一点儿[S][(+of)] There was a suspicion of danger. 有一点危险。 arouse vt. 1. 唤起;激动,使奋发 You aroused my curiosity. 你引起了我的好奇心。 2. 激起...的情欲 3. 叫醒 They aroused me from my deep sleep. 他们把我从睡梦中叫醒。 I was suddenly aroused by a slight noise. 我突然被一个细小的声音惊醒。 injection n. 1. 注射[C][U][(+into)] Its time for another injection. 又该打针了。 2. 注射剂,注射液[C] The doctor prescribed three injections. 医生开了三支注射液的处方。 3. (人造卫星等的)射入轨道[U] 4. 引入;投入[C][U][(+into)] Many scholars were annoyed by his injection of politics into academic discussions. 他把政治引进学术讨论中,使很多学者感到恼火。 deputy n.[C] 1. 代表,代理人 You can talk with my deputy during my absence. 我不在时,你可与我的代理人谈。 2. 副职,副手 a. 1. 代理的;副的[Z] The delegation was headed by a deputy mayor. 代表团由一位副市长率领。 mislead vt. 1. 把...带错方向;把...引入歧途,把...带坏 He was misled by his companions. 他被伙伴们带坏了。 Our guide misled us. 我们的向导带错了路。 2. 使产生错误想法,使迷离;欺骗[(+into)] The candidates promises misled many voters. 候选人的承诺使许多选举人上当受骗。 restore vt. 1. 恢复 The army was called in to restore law and order to the place. 军队被召来恢复该地治安。 2. 使复原[(+to)] The new managers job is to restore the company to profitability. 新经理的任务是使公司扭亏为赢。 3. 使恢复健康,使复元[H][(+to)] He was completely restored. 他已完全复元。 4. 修复,整修;修补(受损文物等) I wonder if this picture can be restored. 我很想知道这幅画能否修复。 5. 归还,交还[(+to)] The stolen bike was restored to its owner. 被盗自行车归还了失主。 estate n. 1. 地产[C] He is a real estate agent. 他是一个房地产经纪人。 2. 财产,资产;遗产[U][C] When his father died, he left an estate of one million dollars. 他父亲去世时留下了一百万元遗产。 3. 社会阶级[C] Her family was of high estate. 她出身名门。 4. 庄园[C] 5. 身份,地位[U] There is no reason to believe that people of eve


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