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课后题 I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. off-the-shelf 2. exclusive 3. cascade 4. requirements; integration 5. throwaway 6. immediate; stable 7. reuse-oriented; framework 8. software; compromises 课后题 II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. system specification 系统规格说明 2. unit testing 单位(或单元、部件)测试 3. software life cycle 软件生命周期(或生存周期) 4. system validation testing 系统验证测试 5. evolutionary development process 演化开发过程 6. linear model 线性模型 7. program unit 程序单元 8. throwaway prototype 抛弃式原型 9. text formatting 正文格式编排,文本格式化 10.system evolution 系统演变 课后题 11.系统设计范例 system design paradigm 12.需求分析与定义 requirements analysis and definition 13.探索式编程方法 exploratory programming approach 14.系统文件编制 system documentation 15.瀑布模型 waterfall model 16.系统集成 system integration 17.商用现成软件 commercial off-the-shelf (或COTS) software 18.基于组件的软件工程 component-based software engineering (CBSE) 19.软件维护工具 software maintenance tool 20.软件复用 software reuse * Exploratory development: internet explorer 网络探索者。 Starts with: 以…开始。 Throwaway prototyping: 抛弃式原型开发;throwaway: something designed or intended to be discarded after use, throwaway packaging 一次性的包装。 Concentrate on: vt. 专注于,focus on。 * Immediate: 直接的,紧急的 in the immediate future。 * Immediate: 直接的,紧急的 in the immediate future。 * Deliverable: adj. 可交付的。 Measure progress: progress 进展,进步 make progress with English study 取得进步。 Cost-effective: effective 有效的,印象深刻的。 Reflect: A mirror reflect a picture of you when you look in it. Poorly: adv. 不足地,贫乏地。 Corrupt: adj. 腐败的,混浊的;vt. 使腐败,使恶化;corruption 贪污腐败。 Incorporate: 合并,组合。 Costly: adj. 昂贵的,贵重的。 * Deliverable: adj. 可交付的。 Measure progress: progress 进展,进步 make progress with English study 取得进步。 Cost-effective: effective 有效的,印象深刻的。 Reflect: A mirror reflect a picture of you when you look in it. Poorly: adv. 不足地,贫乏地。 Corrupt: adj. 腐败的,混浊的;vt. 使腐败,使恶化;corruption 贪污腐败。 Incorporate: 合并,组合。 Costly: adj. 昂贵的,贵重的。 * Up to: 直到,不胜任 He


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