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试探现金流量表在国资监管中的应用 temptation the application of the cash flow statement in state-owned property supervision 某某某 2011春会计1111100000***** 指导老师:*** 2012.8 摘 要 本文综合运用规范研究和实证研究方法,对现金流量表进行了尝试性的理论研究和案例分析。研究工作主要从两个角度展开:现金流量表分析理论;现金流量表在国资监管中的分析实务。本文总体上分为四部分: 第一部分,国内外现金流量表现状。主要对现金流量表进行定义,并从报表样式和编制方法两方面对中美两国的现金流量表进行了比较分析。 第二部分,现金流量表分析的作用。主要从三方面来加以阐述:弥补资产负债表和损益表分析作用的不足;分析、评价和预测企业未来产生现金流量的能力 第三部分,现金流量表在国资监管中的应用。主要从国资监管概述入手,强调了资金监管的重要性和现金流量表分析引入的必要性;在此基础上,对以资金监管为切入点加强国资监管,以及强化资金监管应对国内外环境风险进行了论述;最后,建立了以现金流量为核心的国资监管现金流指标体系。 第四部分,现金流量表的分析和运用。首先说明了现金流量表分析的常规方法;接下来,通过上海国际港务(集团)股份有限公司 ABSTRACT By employing strict style of research, this paper tentatively studies the theory and the Empiric example of cash flow statement. This research includes 2 aspects: the theory of analyzing the cash flow statement; the analyzing practice of the cash flow statement in state-owned property supervision. This paper includes 4 parts: The first part is present situation of the cash flow statement home and abroad. The second part is the effect of analyzing the cash flow statement. The third part is the application of analyzing the cash flow statement in state-owned property supervision. The forth part is the analyzing and application of the cash flow statement. A good understanding and management of information from the cash flow statement analysis make it possible for a company to better use and manage the cash resource, improve the conventional accounting report analysis system and prevent the false accounting information in order to achieve an effective and successful management in the companys operating , accounting and long term strategy. Keywords: cash flow statement,tate-owned property supervision,he supervision and control of funds , cash flow index system 目录 1国内外现金流量表现状 2 1.1现金流量表定义 2 1.2国内现金流量表编制现状 2 1.3美国的现金流量表 4 1.4中美现金流量表比较 5 2现金流量表分析在企业财务分析中的作用 5 2.1有利于弥补资产负债表和损益表分析作用的不足 5 2.2有利于分析、评价和预测企业未来产生现金流量的能力 6 2.3有利于向自由现金流量过渡,为投资者提供有效的投资信息 6 3现金流量表在国资监管中的应用 6 3.1国资监管概述 6


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