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编号 本科生毕业The Subject of Graduation Project 学生姓名 专 业 学 号 指导教师 分 院 2014年 月 摘 要 随着工业现代化的不断发展,传统的加工工艺已无法满足现代工业部件的加工需求,许多异形结构利用传统加工(包括五轴加工中心)很难加工或根本不能加工。随即3D打印机应运而生…… 3D打印机看似复杂,却很简单,也许你会为它神奇的能力而震撼,也许你会为它的高科技而惊呆,其实从1916年爱因斯坦提出激光原理时,已经为1986年第一台3D打印机的出现奠定了坚实的理论基础。说起3D打印机的原理其实一点也不复杂。 本文主要针对3D打印技术设计出一款3D打印快速模型设备,以切合实际针对新型的生产工艺采取的实际设备的设计制造。 关键词:3D打印机 机械结构 新型设备 ABSTRACT With the continuous development of modern industry, the traditional processing technology has been unable to meet the processing needs of modern industrial parts, the traditional processing and utilization of many deformed structure (including five axis machining center) is difficult to be machined or cannot process. Then emerge as the times require 3D printer...... 3D printer may seem complicated, but is very simple, you might and shook it magical abilities, perhaps you will be stunned for its high-tech, in fact, the principle of laser Einstein from 1916, has laid a solid theoretical foundation for the emergence of 1986 the first 3D printer. About the principle of 3D printer is not complicated. In this paper, the 3D printing technology to design a 3D print speed model of equipment, design and manufacture of the equipment to the practical production process model for the equipment. Keywords: 3D printer mechanical structure model of equipment 3D打印机设计1.1 课题来源及研究目的和意义…………………………………………………….1 1.2 本次设计的主要内容…………………………………………………………….5 1.3 3D打印设备方案分析………………………………………………………..5 1.3.1 机械结构设计思路………………………………………………………5 1.3.2 机械结构总体方案和布局……………………………………………….6 第2 章 机械结构设计…………………………………………………8 2.1 电机的选择…………………………………………………….............................8 2.2 滚珠丝杠螺母副的设计……………………………………………………….10 2.2.1 材料选用原则……………………………………………………………10 2.2.2 丝杠螺母工作条件及失效形式………………………………………….11 2.2.3 螺旋传动类型特点和应用……………………………………………….11 2.2.4 滚珠丝杠螺母副的计算………………………………………………….12 2.2.5 滚珠丝杠螺母的支撑方式……………………………………………….18 2.2.6 滚珠丝杠螺母的润滑和防尘隔离……………………………………….18 2.3 导向光杆和直线轴承的设计…………………



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