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毕业论文(设计)题 目: 汉族丧葬仪式“拜忏”唱本初探 学 号: 姓 名: 蕾 教 学 院: 学院 专业班级:学20级班指导教师: 完成时间: 2014年5月1日 毕节学院教务处制 作者姓名: 专业班级:学20级 学号: 指导教师: 摘 要:(小四号宋体,首行缩进2个字,两端对齐,行距。)关键词: (关键词一般4-6个,正文小四号,宋体,用分号隔开,最后一个关键词后不加标点符号;两端对齐,行距。) The dominant correlation analysis among plant communities in the upstream areas of Chishui River Candidate: LI Hong-sheng Major: Fine Arts Student No.:020110902041 Advisor: LIU Guo-xu Abstract: According to the field 20 quadrate survey data, the application of the 2 × 2 contingency table test methods and Spearmans rank correlation coefficient test of 18 dominant species upstream of the Chi-shui River between plant, a total of 153 kinds of rightbetween the interspecific relationship of: (1) five kinds of pairs significant positive association, accounting for a 3.27%; significantly negative association 31 kinds of pairs, accounting for 20.26%; very significant with the positive association of the 14 kinds of pairs, accounting for 9.15%; very significantly with the negative association of there are five kinds of pairs, accounting for 3.27%. (2) Spearmans rank correlation coefficient test, significant positive association there are 37 kinds of pairs, accounting for a 24.18 percent; 21 kinds of pairs significant negative correlation, accounting for 13.73%; very significant with five kinds of pairs are associated with the accounted for 3.27%; highly significant negative correlation has five kinds of pairs, accounting for 3.27%; the rest of the 85 kinds between the association was not significant, the total of 55.56%. Keywords:dominant species;interspecific association;test,;Spearman rank correlation coefficient 目 录 )”等经书唱词,第二天法事大部分内容都是念经书。 7.对案。此时正值阴间中午,死者经过十二殿。在堂屋中间搭起由三条板凳一张白布搭成的桥,桥上放着诸佛牌。意思是请佛作证,让死者免遭阴曹地府的磨难。过了这几个殿就没有磨难了。 8.过案。在堂屋四周挂上佛像,如观音、地藏王等。 9.宣文书。唱完科书,放完鞭炮,先生念:上来礼请诸佛圣众,以沐云临。今有过殿疏文尽当宣读。之后将阐明死者罪恶的文书烧毁以达到赎罪的目的。 10.绕棺。死者的后代儿子儿孙等戴上孝帕(六尺长的白布)



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