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Come to 的几种用法 由某人继承财产 例如:这是不是意味着所有的现钱现在应归我。 Does it mean that all the money will now come to me? 到小说结束时,他什么也没得到。 At the end of the story ,nothing came to him. 谈到,说到 主语不一定是人 例如:1)现在我们来谈谈第三点。 Now let’s come to the third point. 2)说到化学,我完全是门外汉。 When it comes to chemistry, I’m completely at sea. 3)我正要谈这个问题。 I’m just about to come to it . 注意:在这一用法中的come to 虽作talk about 解,但有时主语不一定是表示人的名词或代词。如句4中的it指的是时间。 有出息,有价值 我敢说哪个年轻人不会有什么出息的。 I dare say that young man will never come to much. 音乐会没有我们期望的那么好。 The concert didn’t come to our expectation. 你的解释无非是说他不愿意接受我们的邀请。 What your explanation comes to is that he won’t accept our invitation. 合计,总共 一共(该付)多少钱? How much does our bill come to ? 他的收入一年共十万元。 His income comes to one hundred thousand yuan a year. 来到,碰到,来参加,醒来 当他来到一座村子时,他听到了一声枪响。 When he came to a village, he heard a gunshot. 当我碰到不认识的词时,就查字典。 When I come to a word I don’t know, I look it up in the dictionary. 他昨晚没来参加晚会。 He didn’t come to the evening party last night. 手术后不久他就苏醒过来了。 She came to soon after the operation. come to 后可接某些名词,构成这些名词原有的含义。 例如: come to a conclusion 得出结论 come to a decision 作出决定 come to an agreement 达成一项协议 come to a solution 得出一个解决办法 come to the same opinion 取得一致意见 come to some arrangement 作出某种安排 come to an understanding 达成谅解 come to a stop 停下来 come to an end 结束 come to blows 打了起来 come to one’s help(aid) 来帮助某人 come to one’s rescue 来救援某人 comet to one’s support 给某人以支持 come to harm/grief 受害/吃亏 come to nothing 没有好处 come to no good end 没有好下场 come to much/little 成就很大、不大 come to one’s notice (或attention) 引起某人注意 come to reason 清醒过来 come to one’s senses 醒悟过来 come to the point 说到点子上,切中要害


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