汉代苑园的开发与娱游活动 _毕业设计.doc

汉代苑园的开发与娱游活动 _毕业设计.doc

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汉代苑园的开发与娱游活动 _毕业设计

硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:汉代苑园的开发与娱游活动 The Han Dynasty garden development and entertaining travel activities 作者姓名: 作者学号: 指导教师: 论文密级: 专业名称:中国古代史 单位年级:政治与历史学院2010级 完成日期:2013年4月 研究生学院 汉代苑园的开发与娱游活动 [中 文 摘 要] 苑囿园林文化在中国起源较早,最早可以追溯到西周时期的囿。先秦时期的囿主要是供王公贵族狩猎的地方,发展到秦汉时期,在囿的基础上,宫苑结合的园林逐渐发展起来并具有更多的功能。汉代皇家园林一般称之为苑,私家园林则称之为园。这种苑园具有巡狩讲武、祭祀通神、游乐宴饮、朝会行仪等多种功能。有关汉代苑园的研究早已有之,本文是在前人研究成果的基础上,对汉代苑园开发的条件、文化特征进行梳理阐述,把两汉苑园的开发与同时代的游乐者的游园活动联系起来进行深入分析,说明汉代苑园开发的积极影响和消极影响。汉代苑园的开发与娱游活动的研究能够反映出汉代帝王皇族、官僚豪富浮华奢侈的生活层面,也能反映出下层人民的生活窘境,进而从不同角度说明汉代社会阶级矛盾产生的原因。汉代苑园的开发是汉代人智慧的结晶,从汉代人的造园模式和艺术手法可知汉代人审美思想、意识形态以及这一时代生产工艺技术的进步。汉代苑园的开发对后世产生深远影响,现代人还可以吸取和借鉴汉代人造园的精华,将其应用于现代园林景观的设计和开发。 [关 键 词] 汉代;苑园;娱游活动;帝王贵戚; THE HAN DYNASTY GARDEN DEVELOPMENT AND ENTERTAINING TRAVEL ACTIVITIES ABSTRACT The garden landscape culture in China earlier origin, can be traced back to the Western Zhou period bounded. In the pre-Qin period, have mainly for nobles hunting place, development to the Qin and Han Dynasties, the park based on the combination of landscape garden, developed gradually and has more functions. Imperial garden of Han Dynasty is commonly known as the garden, private garden is known as the garden. This garden has xunshou speak Wu, sacrifice through God, recreation feast, at the instrument functions. The Han Dynasty garden research has already, this paper is on the basis of previous research results, combining the Han Dynasty garden development condition, cultural features of the comb, the Han Dynasty garden development with the pleasure garden activities linked to conduct the thorough analysis research the Han Dynasty garden development, final illustrate the positive and negative influence. The Han Dynasty garden development and entertaining travel activity research can reflect the Han imperial Royal, bureaucratic establishments flashy extravagance life, also can reflect the lower peoples life predicament, and then from a different perspective, the social class contradictory reasons. The Han Dynasty garden


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