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Before Reading_ 1.1;Before Reading_ 1.2;Before Reading_ 1.3;Before Reading2;Before Reading_3; Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. This is that each one of us wants to and needs to know. Success has to each one of us. A child finds success in the toys of his choice, a student succeeds if he passes an exam, an employee if he and a mother if she finds her child happy. People are happy once they . Positive attitude and happiness go . People are famous among friends and family if they have the and happiness. Hence success and fame knowing the true priorities in life and for it with a positive attitude.;Ludwig Van Beethoven: one of the best known and most admired German composers. He continued writing music after he lost the ability to hear at the age of 30. His famous works include The Fifth Symphony (《第五交响乐》) and The Emperor Concerto (《皇帝协奏曲》).;Before Reading_5_1_pop;Thomas Edison: (1847–1931):an American inventor. He profoundly influenced modern life through his inventions such as the light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera. During his lifetime, he acquired 1,093 patents, and marketed many of his inventions to the public.;Before Reading_5_2_pop;Global Reading_ 1;Global Reading_ 2_1;It is easy for a performer to believe that they are as perfect as what the media describe. People usually have lower expectations of performers. When people fail, they can always find excuses and explanations for their inability to succeed. Thomas Wolfe was an American novelist, whose first novel was rejected 39 times. It is quite common that people who failed many times may find ways to be successful and famous. ;Glo



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