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第  PAGE 2 页 共  NUMPAGES 2 页 Teaching content(教学内容): Welcome to unit Learning aims(学习目标): learn new words in this unit Make the students talk about ancient civilizations Important and difficult points(重难点): Learn to express the students own idea by using English sentences . Emotional goals(情感目标):[来源:Z*xx*k.Com] How to make students love ancient civilizations Teaching procedures(教学步骤): Revision(复习)(抢答) 1. That is ____English has so many difficult rules that confuse people. A. what B why C who D where 2.People find it difficult to understand _____people from the north are saying. A which B what C who D whose 3.______a person comes from will affect his or her style of speech.[来源:Z*xx*k.Com] A which B how C where D when 二 Preview (课前预习) 三、Lead-in(导入)一起答 Tell the names of places of interest and the seven wonders of the world: 1.The Statue of Zeus 2. The Hanging Gardens 3.Pyramids 4. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus(阿提密斯神殿)5.The Colossus of Rhodes (罗得斯岛巨像) 6.The Lighthouse of Alexandria (法洛斯灯塔) 7.The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus King( 摩索洛斯墓庙) 四.New lesson(新课) 小组探究展示 When talking about ancient civilizations, what buildings, structures or places of interest in our country come into your mind first? The Great Wall, the Summer Palace……. Picture Talking: 师生互动 Picture1: The Statue of Zeus is the statue of the god in whose honor the Ancient Olympic games were held. At the time of the games, wars stopped, and athletes came from other countries to celebrate the Olympics and to show respect for their king of gods-Zeus. The Ancient Greeks held the Olympic games in _________ of their king of gods. Picture2: The Taj Mahal was designed as a tomb for the wife of an emperor and built by about 20,000 workers from 1631 to 1648 in a city in northern India. Picture 3: Pompeii in Italy(ancien


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