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[毕业设计封面] 毕业综合训练 技术报告(论文) 题 目 VR技术在中国市场的发展调研 学生姓名 王 威 专业班级 应 用 英 语1305 班 学 号 1 3 0 1 0 1 2 1 6 指导老师 王 列 汇 上海工商外国语职业学院 二〇一六 年 五 月 二十 日 目 录 1.英文毕业设计报告一份。 2.中文问卷调查报告 问卷设计一份。 VR技术在中国市场的发展调研 姓名:王威 学号:130101216 指导老师:王列汇 Virtual Reality--which we called VR. Its original common three-dimensional technology(3D) is completely different from ours. It is a simulation environment endoscope system and simulation systems into one, interacting with each other, so that the operator is connected to the three-dimensional computer-generated virtual environment together. The operator can be visual, tactile, auditory, and other perceived feel immersive . It goes beyond the 3D technology and it enables the operator to have a virtual experience intuitive sense of the world, 360 degrees in all directions, no dead sensory experience. He allows the operator to produce a feeling of immersion in the visual environment, can be directly observed, operations, internal changes touch detecting the surrounding environment and things, and can occur with interactive role, is very human and computer good integration, giving a virtual reality feel. In other countries, the United States is VR technology leader. They use virtual reality technology designed to succeed the Boeing 777, the last few years is a cause of great achievements in science and technology festival attention. Virtual reality game in Japan made great achievements. Some European countries also have a lot of important results. China started the development of VR technology in the early 1990s, at present, Chinas VR technology in medical and electronic display has been at the forefront of the world. So I did the following investigation 1.Understand the development of VR technology on the Chinese market, as well as its development advantage. 2.Part of the museum experience to VR consumers, mostly young people over the age of eighteen. 3.



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