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乘积极限法拟合样本的生存模型 乘积极限法拟合样本的生存模型 摘 要 随着社会的进步和医学研究要求的不断提高,生存分析的应用范围不再仅仅是字面上所理解的“生存分析”,更代表了一种处理缺失数据的基本分析思想。它的研究内容主要包括两个方面:描述生存过程以及分析影响生存过程的因素。由于生存分析在处理缺失数据上具有无法替代的作用,因此在临床试验中应用非常广泛。随着统计软件的不断发展,生存分析的理论和应用将会越来越广泛和深入,更多的符合生物医学实践的模型的建立将会越来越可行。生存分析是研究生存现象和响应时间数据及其统计规律的一门学科。该学科在生物学、医学、保险学、可靠性工程学、人口学、社会学、经济学等方面都有重要应用。目前这方面的教材,国内还不太多,而且大多局限于生存分析的某一特定应用领域。在现有的几本教科书中,或者偏重于工程学,或者偏重于生物学和医学。本文主要通过简单的例子对成绩极限法和Nelson-Aalen进行介绍和简单的比较。 关键词: MATLAB;生存分析;乘积极限;Nelson-Aalen法 PRODNCT-LIMIT SURVIVAI MODEL FITTING SAMPLES ABSTRACT Along with social progress and the continuous improvement of medical research requirements, the scope of application of survival analysis is no longer just a literal understanding of "survival analysis", but also represents a process of fundamental analysis censored thought. Its research mainly includes two aspects: process description and analysis of the factors affecting survival process. Because survival analysis in dealing with censored data have irreplaceable, and therefore is widely used in clinical trials. With the continuous development of statistical software, the theory and application of survival analysis will be more extensive and in-depth, more in line with the practice established biomedical model will be more feasible. Survival analysis is the study of the phenomenon of survival and response time data and the statistical laws of a subject. The discipline has important applications in biology, medicine, insurance, reliability engineering, demography, sociology, and economics. Currently teaching in this area, not too much domestic and mostly confined to the survival of a specific application domain analysis. In the prior few textbooks, or emphasis on engineering, or emphasis on biology and medicine. In this paper, a simple example of a performance limit law and Nelson-Aalen introduction and a simple comparison. Key words: MATLAB ; Survival analysis; Product limit; Nelson-Aalen method PAGE12 / NUMPAGES14 目录  TOC \


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