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第 32卷 第 4期 控 制 与 决 策 Vol.32 No.4 2017年 4月 Control and Decision Apr. 2017 文章编号: 1001-0920(2017)04-0593-07 DOI: 10.13195/j.kzyjc.2016.0142 灰参数电路的控制问题及系统状态仿真分析 杨 洋1,2, 薛定宇1? (1. 东北大学 信息科学与工程学院,沈阳 110004;2. 渤海大学 工学院,辽宁 锦州 121013) 摘 要: 实际系统模型难以使用确定参数进行描述,含有灰参数的电路普遍存在. 基于灰数、灰色控制和电路分析 等方法, 对灰色电路系统进行分析, 具有一定的理论和实践意义. 以某一灰色 RLC 电路模型为例, 研究其能控、能 观、稳定性、电路仿真等问题. 灰色电路的研究有助于灰色系统模型的仿真验证和硬件实现,丰富灰色电路和灰色 控制等领域,也可应用于不确定性电路分析、系统建模和控制等问题. 关键词: 灰色电路;灰模型;不确定系统;灰色控制 中图分类号: TP391.9 文献标志码: A Control problem and system state simulation analysis of circuit with grey parameters YANG Yang1,2, XUE Ding-yu1? (1. College of Information Science and Engineering,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110004,China;2. College of Engineering,Bohai University,Jinzhou 121013,China) Abstract: It is di?cult to describe, the actual system model by the determined parameters, and the circuit with grey parameters is universal. Therefore, based on the grey number, grey control and circuit analysis, the grey circuit system is analyzed, which has a certain theoretical and practical signi?cance. By taking a grey RLC circuit model as the example, the controllability, observability, stability and circuit simulation are studied. The research of the grey circuit is bene?cial to the simulation veri?cation and hardware implementation in the grey system control, which will also promote the ?elds of grey circuit and grey control, and can be applied to the problems of uncertain circuit analysis, systems modeling and control. Keywords: grey circuit;grey model;uncertain systems;grey control 0



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