Luxury- Mass Marketing and Cultural Change.doc

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Luxury- Mass Marketing and Cultural Change

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 7 Luxury: Mass Marketing and Cultural Change When Audrey Hepburn (Audrey Hep when Audrey Hepburn (Audrey Hepburn) starred in 1961 film ‘Tiffany’s breakfast’ (Breakfast at Tiffany’s), she used the brand Givenchy (Givenchy) to disguise themselves, which When a luxury or a small number of people, especially the elegant social elite post-secondary supplies. When Hepburn wore specially for her slim figure by Graceful tailored fashion, she will be manifested most powerfully as the charm of a luxury, even though she was in the film role in all this can only be dreamed of nothing: this Hollywood classic films there is a paradox, that Hepburn played the hero in the film Holly (Holly Golightly), through Tiffany windows The glimpse of that world is precisely the set of Hepburn, who wore the first row. By 1980, everything is changing. When Brooke Shields (Brooke Shields) claimed that she was intimate with his CK jeans, this is not that Calvin Klein (Calvin Klein) of the jeans is her unique thing, but it for the public owned. Hepburn wore for her graceful movements of the hand-sewn and tailored clothing, and small wire is ready to wear brand-name jeans finished, so the millions of ordinary people began to follow her. This comparison clearly shows a historical, economic and philosophical shift: from looming in the movies to the advertising hype, luxury in 20 years into the mass market. Moreover, the very controversial is that they no longer have a true sense of the luxury bit. ‘Newsweek’ (Newsweek) and cultural journalist丹纳托马斯 (Dana Thomas) in his new book ‘Luxury: Why is the Guanghua is no longer a luxury’ (Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster) to explain the meaning of fashion in the past and the changes in its current trends. Luxury goods industry in the past revolved around affordable luxury to the few who provide the most exquisite handmade products to locate here, but this industry has become a global money-spinner. Thomas with the documentary m


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