2018届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions教师用书 新人教版选修8.docVIP

2018届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions教师用书 新人教版选修8.doc

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2018届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions教师用书 新人教版选修8

PAGE  PAGE 17 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 一、单词——eq \a\vs4\al(在语境中默写,在联想中积累) 写 得 准用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)1.passive adj.     被动的;消极的;被动语态的 2.seize vt. 抓住;捉住;夺 3.bear vt. 忍受.忍耐.负担 4.associate vt.联想(系) n.同(伙)伴→association n.联系 5.distinguish v.显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别→distinguished adj.著名的;卓越的 6.merciful adj.宽大(仁慈)的;慈悲的→merciless adj.残忍的;无情的→mercy n.宽恕;仁慈 7.convenient adj.便利(方便/就近)的→convenience n.方便;便利→conveniently adv.便利地 8.caution n.小心;谨慎→cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的→cautiously adv.小心地;谨慎地 9.competence n.能力;胜任;本领→competent adj.能胜任的;称职的;有能力的 10.abrupt adj.突然的;意外的→abruptly adv.突然地 11.practical adj.实际(践/用)的→practice n.实践;练习→impractical adj.不明智(现实)的 12.expectation n.预料;期待(望)→expect v.预料;期待;期望;认为 13.innocent adj.清白的;天真的;无罪的→innocence n.天真;清白 14.recognition n.认出;认可;承认→recognize vt.认出;识别;承认 15.freezing adj.冰冻的;严寒的→freeze v.冰冻→frozen adj.冻结的 16.occasionally adv.偶然地;不时地→occasional adj.偶然的→occasion n.时机;机会;场合1.He took measures to make up his fault, which received our recognition (recognize). 2.Your suggestion sounds reasonable and practical (practice). I think it deserves to be discussed at the next meeting. 3.When the ice is heated above freezing (freeze) point, it begins to change into a liquid state. 4.If nobody can prove your innocence,_how can you say you are innocent? (innocent) 5.He is a cautious man and is always doing things with caution. You should get on with him cautiously.(caution) 6.You can visit Professor Li when it is convenient,_that is, at his convenience. His house is conveniently_near the bus stop. (convenient) 7.In western countries, the number “thirteen” is usually associated with bad luck, but actually there isnt any association between them. (associate) 8.The merciless king showed no mercy and killed all the prisoners. (merciful)?eq \a\vs4\al(积 得 多?平时多积累,考场出华章?) 1.后缀-ive形容词集锦 ①active     主动的 ②passive 被动的 ③positive 积极的 ④negative 消极的 ⑤subjective 主观的 ⑥expensive 昂贵的2.表示“抓住”的相关词语一览 ①seize vt.     抓住;捉住 ②catch vt. 抓住;接住 ③grasp vt.



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