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腰疼怎么办 TXT cherishes life -- god still keeps you alive, and there must be his arrangement. Lei feng did a good thing, but everything was in the diary. Is lumbar disc prolapse of intervertebral disc degeneration, fiber ring fracture, herniated repression caused by spinal cord or nerve root to waist and leg pain as the main characteristics of the disease. Chinese traditional medicine puts the lumbar disc herniation into lumbar pain and pain in the waist category. Experts suggest that lifting the pressure, the healing of the nucleus, and the healing of the fibers are the key to curing the herniated disc. What are the clinical manifestations of lumbar discs? (1) back pain: this pain occurs before the leg pain occurs. The pain is mostly in the waist or lumbar di ministry, the cause of the pain mainly because of intervertebral disc herniation after stimulated fiber ring in the outer layer and posterior longitudinal ligament sinus vertebral nerve fibers produced. The pain is deep and difficult to locate, usually dull, prickly or radiative. (2) the lower limb radiation pain: due to the herniation of lumbar 4, 5, and tend to occur in the waist 5 s1 intervertebral disc, and sciatic nerve is lumbar sacral 4, 5, and 1-3 from the nerve root, so many patients with lumbar disc, sciatica, first start from hips, gradually radiation to the posterolateral thighs, the lateral crus, foot back and foot and the toes. The central type is often caused by the bilateral sciatica. When the internal pressure of the abdomen, such as coughing, sneezing, and urination increases, the radiative pain of the lower limb increases. The pain in the leg is one of the main signs of disc herniation. Numbness and paraesthesia (3) : after lumbar disc, can cause nerve root contact area of local oppression and involving sexual oppression, make nerve root of fiber and vascular compression caused by ischemia hypoxia, so the involvement of nerve root dominate regional feel abnormal pain, numbness, etc. The lumbar


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