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腰间盘 The patient had no apparent cause of pain in the waist three years ago, increased after fatigue, and improved after rest. A half year ago, there was a pain in the left lower limb, but it was not serious and untreated. A month ago the left leg pain worse, no relief, after the break in a local clinic treatment no significant relief after (data), come to a hospital to see a doctor now, outpatient service radiography and CT examination, diagnosis of the L4-5. L5 and S1 intervertebral disc herniation hospitalize. In the course of illness, there is no low heat, no sweat, no loss of weight and weakness. He has previously denied the history of hepatitis tuberculosis and has denied the history of surgical trauma. Body: general situation can be stable vital signs, T: 36.7 ℃ P: 65 times/min, R: 14 times/min BP: 110/90 MMHG god, spirit, forced postures, lifted into the ward, physical examination, answer to the point. Whole body skin. The mucous mucus is not yellow and bleed. The lymph nodes are not very large. There is no deformity of the skull. A large circle, such as a double pupil, is sensitive to light reflex. The neck is soft and there is no resistance. Tracheal center. The thyroid is small. Bilateral thoracic symmetry. Double lung breathing. The heart rate is 65 beats per cent, the rhythm of the disease, the unmarked pathologic noise. The abdomen is soft, and there is no pain, no pain. In the case of liver and gall, murphys sign (-) has no pain in the double kidney area. The bowel sounds normal. The genitals are not examined. Physiological reflection is present, pathologic reflex is not raised. Specialist examination: the physiological curvature of the lumbar vertebra disappears, the pain (+) and the pain (+) in the area of l4-s1. Pelvic extrusion separation test (-), the left leg 4 sign (-), hip flexion knees outward turning test (-), the straight leg-raising test (+), strengthen test (+), femoral nerve pull test (+). Left crus outside and inside of the left foot fe


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