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腹泻如何治疗 How to treat diarrhoea Diarrhea is a common symptom of digestive system disease, is refers to the number of bowel movements more than usual, defecate more than three times per day, stool thin, water content increase, the fat increased, sometimes with needless to compound, or contains purulent blood. Commonly known as diarrhea, diarrhea is an external manifestation of a variety of diseases. In general, continuous or severe diarrhea is harmful to human body, but it is also a kind of protective symptoms at the same time, the human gut can be harmful material out of the body. Diarrhoeal disease accounts for the majority of infectious diseases, and the number of diarrheal diseases in our country is about 830 million. Summer is the high season of diarrheal disease, so the prevention and control of diarrheal diseases, especially in summer, is an important public health problem in China. In general, diarrhoea is characterized by infectivity and noninfectivity. One, infectious diarrhea is caused by pathogens, such as bacterial dysentery, bacterial food poisoning, viral enteritis, etc. If a mucus, and purulent blood and blood, or accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fever, abdominal pain and general malaise, should be suspected infectious diarrhea, need to go to the hospital as a stool routine examination to diagnose. Antibiotics are not optional when an infection is undiagnosed. Overuse of antibiotics is not only bad for the treatment of diarrhea, but it also leads to an increasing number of drug-resistant bacteria. In addition, it may cause an imbalance in the intestinal flora and cause further intestinal lesions. Before the diagnosis, you can take some protection from the intestinal mucosa, such as smecta. Smecta is not an antibiotic, but a mineral drug that protects the damaged intestinal mucosa by mouth and helps epithelial cells repair and regenerate. In addition, some ecological agents, such as the bowel, Mr Kang, mommy love can foster the intesti


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