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本科毕业论文 桩基竖向承载力研究 VERTICAL BEARING CAPACITY OF THE PILE FOUNDATION 学院(部):理学院 专业班级: 力学08-1 学生姓名: 陈阳 指导教师: 刘伟教授 2012 年 5 月 31 日 桩基竖向承载力研究 摘要 本文以江阴长江大桥北塔桥墩钻孔灌注桩工程为背景,基于大量的现场实测数据,分析了该地区大直径深长钻孔灌注桩在竖向荷载作用下桩土体系荷载传递的过程和规律,对涉及桩侧和桩端阻力性状的许多方面进行了详细的阐述。通过试桩的实测数据得出本地区一些土层的侧摩阻力达到极限状态所需桩土相对位移的范围,对于相似土性的土层,埋深越深侧摩阻力达到极限所需的桩土相对 位移越大。 对该工程1,2号试桩的曲线进行分析,得出该地区有关桩顶荷载与沉降关系的一些结论,并按一定桩顶沉降量计算得到直径2.0米桩的极限承载力,为以后的设计提供了参考,具有一定的实用价值。 针对桩基工程应用中的两个首要问题:承载力计算和沉降计算进行了研究,并对嵌岩桩和非嵌岩桩分别得出了工作荷载下单桩沉降的估算公式,同时又分别研究了在工作荷载和极限荷载下的桩顶沉降关系。 关键词:大直径深长钻孔灌注桩,极限承载力,沉降 VERTICAL BEARING CAPACITY OF THE PILE FOUNDATION ABSTRACT In this paper the jiangyin Yangtze river bridge north tower bridge pier cast-in-place pile engineering as a background, based on a lot of the field measured data, this article analyses the region deep in large diameter cast-in-place pile under vertical load of the pile soil system load transfer process and rule, to involve pile sides and bottom resistance many aspects of characters in detail through the test pile of measured data in the soil that some of the frictional needed to limit state relative displacement of the pile soil range, for the similar endemic soil layer, the deeper the buried depth side friction limits the pile soil relative displacement is bigger. For the project of 1, 2, the curve of the pile test for analysis, that the region on pile top load and settlement of the relationship between some conclusions, and according to certain calculated pile top settlement of 2.0 meters in diameter of the pile of ultimate bearing capacity, provide the design for later reference, has certain practical value. For pile foundation engineering application of two first problem: bearing capacity calculation and settlement calculation, and of rock-socketed pile and the rock-socketed pile obtained respectively working load pile settlement order the estimate formula, and at the same


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