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THE END THANKS! Differents between the China And the Western ABOUT VALUE values are the essence of the spirit of national culture.价值观是民族文化的精神本质。 the value mainstreams 价值主流 personal-based 个人本位 Heaven concept 天人观 communication 交际观 1.价值主流 The value of the mainstream. The mainstream of Western cultural values is the spirit of fighting for self-satisfaction. Western culture publicizes personality, emphasizes the protection of individual interests ,focus on the potential of independent individuals and strengthens the awareness of individual rights. The values of mainstream Chinese culture is the spirit of harmony. In the relationship between human and nature, Chinese advocates harmony between human and nature, human and nature can live in harmony. In human relations, emphasize the importance of harmony with the human good .The Chinese nation is a peace-loving and friendly one. 2个人本位. Unified and pluralistic values. Chinese people are deeply affected by the Confucian. They think that the more conducts a person makes in his life, the more meaningful. Therefore, people who has the largest political vision are affected by such a unitary value of life, most people do not want to be the one who is interested in Natural Science, which were trapped in the embryonic stage of scientific. Also, people have the wisdom to concentrate on political power, so that can creat a real political culture super-solid model in a unique world. In this particular model, the Chinese will have a unique historical phenomenon. The value of life in Western culture was the diversification, politics is a realization of the life value and business is also considered to be very valuable. 3.天人观 Relationship and humans to nature.In Western country , relationship and humans to nature is :humans control nature . as follows: make life com



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