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英语中的out前缀单词(国外英文资料) The English out prefix word Outage downtime Outback mainland Outbalance over High price outbid The outside of the outboard Outbound outbound Outbox outbox Outbrave over Outbreak outbreak Outbreed outbreeding Outbuild built much Outbuilding outhouse Outbreak of outburst Outcamp remote camp Outcast was driven away Outclass is far better than the Outcome the result Outcrop show Outcry scream Outcurve outcurve Outdare bold Outdate outdated Outdated outdated Outdid than Outdistance left behind Outdo more than Is suing the outdoor Outdoors outdoor Outdoorsman outdoor activities Outdrop out Outeat eat more The outer external The outermost of the outside Outface contempt Outfall estuary outfield Outfielder outfielder Outfight beat Outfit appliance Outfitter travel agent Outflank flank Outflow outflow Outfly than Outfoot over Outfox outfox Outgas degassing Outgeneral with tactics wins Outgiving public statements Outgo out Outgoing out Outgone out Outgrew grow Outgroup outside the group Outgrow grow Outgrown grow Outgrowth results Outguess see through Outhouse outhouse Outing for an outing Outjockey cheat Outland boundary to Outlander foreigners Outlandish eccentric Long outlast Outlaw the gunman Outlawry deprived of their rights and interests Outlay costs Outlet export Outlie camping Outlier outlier Outline of the outline Outlive than... Long life, Outlook scenery Outlying irrelevant Outmaneuver wins the game Outmarch overtake Outmatch than Outmode outdated Outmoded outdated The most outside the outmost Outnumber the number above Outpace over speed Outpatient clinic patients Outplay than Outpoint score more than Outpost outpost Outpour outflow Outpouring flow The output output Outrage atrocities Outrageous road Outran over Outrange than Outrank outrank Outre transgressions Arrive at the top Outrelief poor relief Outridden ride very well Outride overtake Outrider outrider Outrigged stents Outrigger outrigger Outrigger outboard support Outright the blunt O


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