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郑州工业应用技术学院专科生毕业设计(论文)课题名称:分析全款购车与贷款购车的利弊指导教师:郭斌峰职称:导师学生名称:任召辉 学号:1402020160专 业:汽车运用技术 院 (系): 机电工程学院 答辩日期:2017年5月1日 摘 要当汽车信贷在国外社会消费贷款中已成为继房地产贷款之后的第二大金融体系时,中国仍在考虑是否需要发展之。这一现象是值得我们深思的。其实要真正理解汽车工业,必须首先读懂汽车金融;要真正发展汽车工业,必须首先发展汽车金融。国内外的历史已经昭示了这一点。中国过去几十年一直在试图走一条离开汽车金融,独立发展汽车工业的路子,结果可想而知。直到今天,才逐渐认识到,汽车信贷是汽车工业的牛鼻子,汽车信贷是启动社会消费的重要钥匙之一。?由此可见汽车信贷的重要性,为此,我们需要展开多方面研究,其中包括研究我国汽车信贷发展概况。其次,对我国现阶段主要的汽车信贷的三种模式进行认识与比较,即商业银行个人购车消费贷款、汽车企业金融公司贷款、商业银行信用卡分期付款,从中逐一分析各类汽车信贷方式的利弊以及对当下汽车信贷市场的长远影响,从而说明发展信贷是必然的趋势,更充分认识今后我国车贷市场的正确走势与发展方向。??When auto credit has become the second largest financial system after real estate loans in foreign social consumption loans, China is still considering whether it needs to develop. This phenomenon is worthy of our deep thinking. In fact, to really understand the auto industry, we must first understand the automobile finance; To truly develop the automobile industry, the automobile finance must be developed first. The history at home and abroad has brought this point. In the past few decades, China has been trying to leave a car finance, independent development of the automobile industry, the results can be imagined. Until today, only gradually realized that automobile credit is the ox nose of automobile industry, automobile credit is one of the important keys to start social consumption.Therefore, the importance of automobile credit, to this end, we need to carry out a lot of research, including research on the development of automobile credit in China. Secondly, the paper analyzes the three modes of current automobile credit in China, namely commercial bank personal car purchase loan, automobile enterprise finance company loan, commercial bank credit card installment, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of automobile credit mode and the long-term effect on the current automobile credit market, so that development credit is the inevitable trend, and fully understand the correct trend and development direction of China car loan market i



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