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学 位 论 文 曝气生物滤池处理城镇污水 这是本人毕业时所写论文,希望有和我写同样题目的朋友,能通过大学论文答辩。 如果你感觉这篇论文不错,那请你给我顶一下,在这里感谢大家。 作 者 姓 名: 专 业 : 学 号 : 指 导 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 学校名 摘 要 城镇污水主要为生活污水和工业废水的混合污水。目前城镇污水的排放已造成了对水环境生态系统的严重污染,做好城镇污水的处理及再生利用是主要任务之一,解决城镇污水对水环境污染的重要途径之一就是修建污水处理厂。本设计对SBR法、A2/O法、曝气生物滤池法工艺进行了比较,最终确定选用处理效果好、运行管理方便、投资省的曝气生物滤池工艺。该工艺中污水经过粗格栅、细格栅、旋流沉砂池、水解酸化池的一级处理,进入曝气生物滤池进行二级处理后。排出的污泥经过了生化处理较稳定,不需消化浓缩脱水外运,节省了投资。设计过程中通过对各构筑物的设计计算及附属构(建)筑物的设计选型,完成了主要构筑物旋流沉砂池、水解酸化池、曝气生物滤池出图及整个工厂的平面、高程布置,进而完成了污水厂的设计。 关键词: 城镇污水;水解酸化;上向流曝气生物滤池 The Format Criterion of Master’s Degree Paper of DUT Abstract Urban sewage as the main sewage and industrial effluent of sewage mixed. At present urban sewage discharge has caused the water environment ecosystems serious pollution and do a good job of urban sewage treatment and recycling is one of the main tasks and solve the urban sewage water pollution is one important way to the construction of sewage Water treatment plants. The design of the SBR, A2 / O, Biological Aerated Filter technology of the law, the final choice of treatment effect, and facilitate the operation and management, investment in the Biological Aerated Filter Technology. The process of sewage through rough grid, small grille, swirl desilting pool, pool acid hydrolysis of the primary treatment, into the Biological Aerated Filter after secondary treatment. After the sludge from the biological treatment more stable, not digest condensed directly dehydration Sinotrans, a saving of investment. Through the process of effluent treatment can be achieved GB18918-2002 in a B standards, and removal of the water quality indicators were CODcr: 76%, BOD: 86.7%, SS: 86.7%, NH3-N: 80%, TN : 50%, TP: 62.5%. Through the various structures of the design and calculation and subsidiary structure (built) to build the design selection, completed the main structure swirl desilting pool, pool acid hydrolysis, Biological Aerated Filter to plan and plant



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