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摘要 如今,流行歌曲浩如烟海,但以古风古韵引人入胜者少之又少,如果词作者能够吸 收中国古典文学的精华,加之当代诗人的热情共同参与音乐文学作品的创作,就不会再 愁歌词的毫无意趣。当然,一味追求词句仿古也是不可取的,如何让古典意境渗透于创 作之中而不露痕迹,才是真正的创新。方文山在引用“古风古韵”方面独树一帜,他对 中国传统文化有着独特体味,更是在历史与现实的时空的转换中诠释着自己的音乐理念, 其音乐文学作品促发了音乐创作界的“另类革命”。 方文山的歌词中会刻意营造一种虚幻的意境,远古的战场、消失的古文明、阴森的 传说,都可以成为他笔下的意象。在后现代主义泛滥的今天,他没有完全脱俗。关于情 感的把握,方文山的歌词更多的关注当下社会年轻人的情感纠葛,具有时代感,所以也 更容易被流行歌曲的欣赏主体接受。 本文以一九九九年到二零一零年方文山的音乐文学作品为语料,以语言学、修辞学、 风格学、音乐文学、传播学的理论为指导,从语音、词汇、语法、修辞等方面对方文山的 音乐文学作品进行较为系统、深入的考察,力求通过事实的描写反映方文山音乐文学作品 的语言特点,揭示其语言艺术化的过程、原则和规律。 关 键 词: 音乐文学作品 语言 修辞 Abstract Today, there are numerous of pop songs, but almost no one can make good use of the Classical traditional culture,.If the songwriters can absorb the essence of theChinese classical literature,together with modern poets participation enthusiasm to the creation of the music literature, they wont worry the lyrics of no interest. Of course, devotion to archaize is in vain, how to let classical artistic creation and penetration in the dew trace, is the real innovation. Fang Wenshan cited Classical traditional culture aspects of its own and his traditional to China culture has a unique to the body, but also in the history and the reality of time and space of the conversion of the interpretation of his own music concept, his music literature have put an increasing stress contributed to alternative revolution.among the music writers. Fang Wenshans lyrics will deliberately to build a kind of artistic conception of illusion, the ancient battlefield, disappear of the old civilizations, sinister legend, can become his descriptions of songs image. In the modern socialist flood today, he didnt completely free from vulgarity. About e


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