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Business English Module 1 Learning objectives After studying this topic, you are supposed to: enrich your word-power on ways of working get familiar with different ways of working think about the pros and cons of different ways of working talk about your dream way(s) of working learn how to predict before listening Vocabulary Think about it 1. How do you study most effectively? By working… Reference Have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作 Feel energetic after having a nice sleep Get support from each other 相互支持 Co-operate with each other 相互合作 Learn from other people’s strong points 学人所长 Working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills. 团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能。 I can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in… 在…工作更容易集中精力因此也更有效 Adj. + type of person …的人 (routine type of person, 按部就班的人) Additional information 为了降低员工在工作、家庭、休闲或教育方面不同要求的冲突,减少交通费用,兼顾工作和生活,使员工更加安心工作,降低员工流动率,同时也为了更好地利用办公设备,提供24小时服务,许多公司采用了灵活多样的弹性工作方式。其中主要有以下的几类: Flexiplace(弹性工作地点):员工通过电脑网络和其他通讯方法在家工作(homeworking),员工可节省往返公司的时间。适用人群:IT业、作家、网络电商、客服、保险员等。 Flexitime(弹性工作时间):也称作flexible working hours, flextime.就是将员工工作时间分为核心时间(core working hours)和弹性时间。核心时间(如早上10-12点,下午2-4点)为员工必须工作的时间,其余时间为弹性时间,即员工自己选择的工作时间,这样员工可灵活决定上下班时间。员工每天工作总时数相同,但实际到公司上班的时间每天不同。 Compressed work weeks(压缩工作周):以每天较长的工作时间的工作日,来换取每周较少的工作日。如:员工每周需工作40小时,在压缩工作周的情况下,员工不一定要工作5天,每天8小时,可选择每天工作10小时,每周工作4天。 Activity 1: Pair-work Which way of working would you like to try most? Discuss with your partner the pros and cons of the one you choose. 4. Work in pairs. Think of some advantages or disadvantages for each way of working in exercise 2. Reference for activity 2 Yes Have more time with children/family With less work stress Can have more free time Can have someone to share credit and blame 2 people doing 1 job means twice as much experience, skills, brainpower and energy. (2) No Difficult to find someone you like Need to coordinate with the other person Tend to work late at night Need careful planning to p


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