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Pesticide residue XING jie Xingjie6886@ What is a pesticide? Pesticide means any substance intended for preventing, destroying, attracting, repelling, or controlling any pest including unwanted species of plants or animals during the production, storage, transport, distribution, and processing of food, agricultural commodities, or animal feeds or which may be administered to animals for the control of ectoparasites. The term includes substances intended for use as a plant-growth regulator, defoliant, desiccant, fruit thinning agent, or sprouting inhibitor According to the active element, the pesticide include organochlorine pesticide organophosphorous pesticide carbamate pesticide synthetic pyrethroid pesticide others the pesticide can exist in Air: spry pesticide Water: when wash the pesticide bottle in river rain can carry the pesticide into the water It also can enter the underground water Soil: spry pesticide Enter the people’s body by Respiratory tract:breath Alimentary canal: drink or eat food Skin Chronic toxicity Long term effect Cancer Birth defects Induce tumors Endocrine disrupting chemical Do You Know All vegetables and fruits are sprayed with toxic synthetic insecticides & fungicides of which some are carcinogenic (cancer causing). All vegetables & fruits from farm to the market place may go through highly unhygienic handling till they finally reach you. What is a pesticide residue One or more substances present in or on plants or products of plant origin, edible animal products or elsewhere in the environment and resulting from the use of pesticide, including their metabolites and products resulting from their degradation or reaction When a crop is treated with a pesticide, a very small amount of the pesticide, or indeed what it changes to in the?plant?(its 'metabolites' or 'degradation products'), can remain in the crop until after it is harvested. This is known as the 'residue'.? Pesticide?residues may be present in: fresh or tinned fruit


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