美国文学part four modernism.ppt

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美国文学part four modernism

Psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud: a. the mind could be understood in terms of repressed urges, usually sexual; b. structure of human psyche: Id, Ego, and Super-ego c. an unconscious system of ideas that governs human reactions and response; Effect: psychological determinism—we act upon our greatest drive—naturalism, stream of consciousness, chaotic and irrational—modernism Karl Marx: human history as the result of class struggles; Human identity is defined by social context; Effect: Historical or socio-economic determinism; the world is a battleground of economic and social forces; human beings as victims of these forces; --naturalism Nihilism (虚无)—nothing is meaningful;--modernism Frustration and Disillusionment ;--modernism Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species competition and natural selection—survival of the fittest Effect: Scientific, Biological or Darwinian Determinism;--naturalism a. People are driven by fundamental urges like fear, hunger, sex; b. The world is a “competitive jungle” Alienation (异化)—helpless human beings lose humanity in the incomprehensible world.--modernism Physicist will tell you that time does not exist and that it is a human construct used to organize experience and catalog experience and so we could quantify it, confirm it and remember it. Einstein did not believe in time. He believed in timelessness and all of time existed at once, past, present and future. He did not acknowledge the concept of now. All moments are equally real and equally accessible if we know how ----------from “Touch”  “ ??我肚子里在蠕动,我坐在那里一动不动。坐着一动不动,扭去扭去(1) 。她一时站在门口。班吉。大声吼叫着(2) 。班吉明我晚年所生的小儿子(3) 在吼叫。凯蒂! 凯蒂!我打算拔腿跑开(4) 。他哭了起来,于是她走过去摸了摸他。别哭了,我不走,别哭了。他真的不哭了,迪尔西。 (5) 只要他高兴你跟他说什么他就能用鼻子闻出来。他不用听也不用讲”(6)。 (昆丁, 福克纳《喧哗与骚动》) (1) 是昆丁由当时自己坐在宿舍里一动不动想到几年前他在老家和一个名叫娜塔丽的少女一起玩耍的情景; (2) 则是他想起妹妹失身那天的情景; (3) 则是他想起康普生太太给小儿子换名字时所说的话; (4) 他又想到1898 年祖母去世当晚的情形;在回大房子时,班吉哭了,凯蒂安慰他。 (5)昆丁又想起19


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