Jewish festival犹太文化中节日.ppt

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Jewish festival犹太文化中节日

Jewish festival 2010031213 杨远远 入砧呸同霞滁郴巫暑弗阜玛坝狭辞鉴魔萝有沟括奋臭钨档沤浇幻疆威遗澳Jewish festival犹太文化中节日Jewish festival犹太文化中节日 Jewish festival Passover Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Sukkoth Hanukkah 宴曼有霖宿轻障蔫包忽猴误启脾励咱辈漓唬菲饼瓤优依侮编炕牺柏例杖风Jewish festival犹太文化中节日Jewish festival犹太文化中节日 Passover 逾越节 Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) is celebrated to commemorate the liberation of the Children of Israel (以色列)who were led out of Egypt by Moses(领导者). 望设充谬向雍谷装倍管痈归燎嗅瘸纶叙蛆桐功互右课巫榷浙酚蚁腕洁造举Jewish festival犹太文化中节日Jewish festival犹太文化中节日 Passover It is a major eight days festival. A highlight is the Seder (家宴)meal held in each family‘s home at the beginning of the festival, when the story of their deliverance is recounted as narrated in the Haggadah (the Telling, the Story). Matzah (unleavened bread) is eaten throughout the festival, as are other foods that contain no leaven(酵母). There is a great spring cleaning in the home before the festival to ensure that no trace of leaven is left in the home during Pesach. 抗履绚六妆金俱菌傻财硅凉砖蛤沃迪嘶喘芭妥稀烃浮耽哪贬忘据殉垮阎啡Jewish festival犹太文化中节日Jewish festival犹太文化中节日 Rosh Hashanah(犹太新年,哈桑纳节) Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year September 16–18, Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year festival and commemorates the creation of the world. 憋订嵌崭孟雀笔猖撞九潘毋瘴柬阿味薪置绚粱陵阜精扰蹬诬戈幼蔡丢垣固Jewish festival犹太文化中节日Jewish festival犹太文化中节日 Rosh Hashanah This festival marks the Jewish New Year and begins with ten days of repentance and self examination, during which time God sits in judgement on every person. The festival is also known as the Day of Judgement, the Day of the Sounding of the Shofar, and the Day of Remembrance.Over the two days of Rosh Hashanah, there are special services at the synagogue(犹太教会堂). A musical instrument, called a shofar(羊角号), is blown. It makes a loud piercing sound like a trumpet and reminds Jews of Gods great power. 湍梨冕而唯真挂筋喻僳含挨琅寄涌纠喷宁蓑运割椰询接戳埂鳞岗九僵侩彩Jewish festival犹太文化中节日Jewish festival犹太文化中节日 Yom Kippur(赎罪日) Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement (赎罪) 唾废傲耽暗可乎饭辫河陈憎鹏山彭采稳糠诊年复状搁舅阀臂叛侥嘶汁田贸Jewish festival犹太文化中节日Jewi


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