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HOU Zhaoxia , et al :St udy of B O Al O SiO t ran sp arent gla ssceramics 2 3 2 3 2 16 15 Study of B O Al O SiO transparent glasscera mics 2 3 2 3 2 H O U Zhaoxia1 ,2 , SU Ch u nh ui 1 , Z HA N G Huashan 1 ( 1. School of Materials an d Chemical Engineering , Changchu n U ni versit y of Science an d Techn ol ogy , Changchu n 130022 , China ; 2 . Dep t . of Chemical Engineering ,J ilin Instit ute of Chemical Technol ogy , J ilin 132022 , China)   Abstract :Glassceramics belong to a cla ss of polycryst alline ceramic mat erial s. Dep ending on t he gla ss mat rix and t he sp ecial cry st al p ha ses , one can obt ain mat erial s wit h imp roved mechanical , t hermal , elect rical , or op tical p rop erties. Boron aluminum silicat e gla ss cont aining B O Al O SiO Li OK O was p rep ared by conventional melt and quenching t echnique , and sub se 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 quently convert ed to t ran sp arent gla ssceramics by cont rolled nucleation and cry st allization . Glass wa s melt ed in a p latinum cruci ble at 1450 ℃for 2h and t hen twost ep heat t reat ment s for t he nucleation and t he cry st al growt h . The nucleation and cryst alliza tion


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