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提 要 本文通过搜集整理唐代医籍文献中所记载的灸法资料进行归纳分析研究,明晰唐 代灸法的发展渊源及脉络,凝炼唐代灸法学术思想特色,使其更好的服务于临床。全 文共分四部分,第一部分唐代灸法述要,概述唐代灸法的主要特点。第二部分介绍唐 代灸法代表医家及学术成就,代表医家包括崔知悌、孙思邈、王焘,灸法专著有《黄 帝明堂灸经》。第三部分唐代灸法学术思想特色。第四部分唐代灸法学术思想对现代 临床的影响。说明了灸法的应用在唐代达到了鼎盛,尤其注重施灸的取穴、灸量、灸 料;灸治防病、灸宜权变和热证用灸是这个时期灸法的主要学术思想;唐代灸法学术 思想对针灸临床应用发挥着重要的影响作用。 关键词 唐代;灸法;学术思想;学术影响 The Research of the Academic Features of Moxibustion in Tang Dynasty Specialty :Acupuncture, moxibustion and massage Author :Feng Guoming Tutor :Yang Dianhui Abstract The thesis induced and analyzed the medical books and literatures about moxibustion in Tang Dynasty to clear the origin and sequence of the development of moxibustion in Tang Dynasty, and to concise the academic features of moxibustion in Tang Dynasty, to serve and guide the clinical practice. The thesis falls into four parts, the 1st part is overview of moxibustion in Tang Dynasty, which summarize the main characteristic of moxibustion in Tang Dynasty. The 2nd part introduces the representative doctors who are mastery in moxibustion and their academic achievements, including Cui Zhiti, Sun Simiao, Wang Tao, and the medical works Huangdi Ming Tong Moxibustion . The 3rd part is the academic thought of moxibustion in Tang Dynasty. The 4th part is about the influence of the academic thought of moxibustion in Tang Dynasty to modern clinical practice. The application of moxibustion in Tang Dynasty reached its peak. The acupoint moxitustioned, quantity of moxibustion and materials of moxibustion was accentuated especially



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