广东省普通高校本科插班生招生考试常见问答(报考必读)(Universities in Guangdong province admission entrance examination FAQ (for reading)).doc

广东省普通高校本科插班生招生考试常见问答(报考必读)(Universities in Guangdong province admission entrance examination FAQ (for reading)).doc

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广东省普通高校本科插班生招生考试常见问答(报考必读)(Universities in Guangdong province admission entrance examination FAQ (for reading))

广东省普通高校本科插班生招生考试常见问答(报考必读)(Universities in Guangdong province admission entrance examination FAQ (for reading)) Universities in Guangdong province admission entrance examination FAQ (for reading) I. what is called a special edition? A: This is our undergraduate admission, refers to the graduating college students into the undergraduate with the third grade reading (i.e. college 3 years + inserted the examination + undergraduate 2 years), and the special plug the rise only this distinction, this is our college graduates into the undergraduate school one way, the nature is the ordinary higher education (state Ren Wusheng, first degree, after graduation certificate is obtained, the higher education of non human education, undergraduate education is a human). Students who are preparing to participate in the plug-in can click on /gkxx/134.html to see the whole process. Two, what are the conditions for the special entrance examination? Answer: 1, adhere to the four cardinal principles, love the motherland, good moral character, law-abiding, determined to study hard for the socialist modernization drive, and have a future. 2, our provinces ordinary colleges and universities (including vocational classes and adult colleges and universities from the general entrance examination of ordinary classes) graduates; 3, Guangdong residence or Guangdong students studying in Colleges and universities outside the province fresh graduates; 4, college graduates from other provinces and universities in Guangdong; 5. Other candidates from Guangdong province who have obtained the diploma of national education. 6, the specific conditions for professional registration, please refer to the professional directory. Guangdong college entrance examination in the basic qualification Unscramble: I. if you are an ordinary class, college graduates: Scope is as follows: 1., our provinces ordinary colleges and universities (including vocational classes and adult colleges and universities from the genera


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