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手机txt小说-阿巴达 提供下载 小说排行榜:/top.html 老子《道德经》相关作品全集:/zt/daodejingzhushuji/  《道德经》中英对照(林语堂)      一章   道,可道,非恒道。名,可名,非恒名。无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。故常无 欲,以观其妙;常有欲,以观其徼。此两者同出而异名,同谓之玄。玄之又玄,众妙之 门。   The Tao that can be told of   Is not the Absolute Tao;   The Names that can be given   Are not Absolute Names.   The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;   The Named is the Mother of All Things.   Therefore:   Oftentimes, one strips oneself of passion   In order to see the Secret of Life;   Oftentimes, one regards life with passion,   In order to see its manifest forms.   These two (the Secret and its manifestations)   Are (in their nature) the same;   They are given different names   When they become manifest.   They may both be called the Cosmic Mystery:   Reaching from the Mystery into the Deeper Mystery   Is the Gate to the Secret of All Life.        二章   天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已;皆知善之为善,斯不善矣。有无相生,难易相成,长短 相形,高下相盈,音声相和,前后相随,恒也。是以圣人处无为之事,行不言之教,万物 作而弗始,生而弗有,为而弗恃,功成而弗居。夫唯弗居,是以不去。   When the people of the Earth all know beauty as beauty,   There arises (the recognition of) ugliness.   When the people of the Earth all know the good as good,   There arises (the recognition of) evil.   Therefore:   Being and non-being interdepend in growth;   Difficult and easy interdepend in completion;   Long and short interdepend in contrast;   High and low interdepend in position;   Tones and voice interdepend in harmony;   Front and behind interdepend in company.   Therefore the Sage:   Manages affairs without action;   Preaches the doctrine without words;   All things take their rise, but he does not turn away from them;   He gives them life, but does not take possession of them;   He acts, but does not appropriate;   Accomplishes, but claims no credit.   It is because he lays claim to no credit   That the credit cannot be taken away from him.  


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