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2016年 第 8 期 中州煤炭 总 第 248期 煤层气集输管网智能检漏及定位 系统设计与实现 杨 娟 ’,2,郭江涛“2 ( 1 . 中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司,重 庆 400037; 2 . 瓦斯灾害监控与应急技术国家重点实验室,重 庆 400037) 摘要:针对煤层气集输管路运行环境差、敷设距离远、产生泄漏难以及时发现及维护等问题,设计了一 套在线煤层气集输管路智能检漏系统,实时监测管路状态,快速定位泄漏区域,并通过超声波检漏仪 辅助精确定位泄漏点。详细阐述了系统架构、功能特点、检漏原理及定位模型。通过实际应用验证了 系统能够快速检漏、准确定位,为保障瓦斯输送管网安全、提升抽采管网维护效率提供了技术支撑。 关键词:智能检漏;精确定位;检漏模型;煤层气集输;超声波 中图分类号:TD76 文献标志码 :A 文章编号:1003-0506(2016) 08-00 69-03 D esign and i mple mentation o f intelligent pipeline leak detection and location syste o f coal bed gas set Yang Juan1’2 ,G uo Jiangtao1’2 ( l.China Coal Technology Engineering Group Chongqing Research Institute, Chongqing 400037 ’ China ; 2. State Key Laboratory of Gas Disaster Monitoring and Emergency Technology ’ Chongqing 400037 ’ China) Abstract : For coalbed gas gathering pipeline running environment difference’distance of laying’produce the problem such as leakage for discover^^ and timely maintenance’this article design a set of coalbed gas gathering pipeline leak detection system’online real-time mo­ nitoring line state’rapid locating leakage area’and accurate orientation assisted by ultrasonic leak detector leakage point.In detail elabo­ rated the system architecture’function characteristics’principle of leak detection and location model.System is verified by practical ap­ plication can quickly leak detection ’ accurate positioning ’ in order to ensure the security of gas transmission pipeline network ’ improve extraction efficiency of network maintenance provides the technical support. Keywords : intelligent leak detection; acc


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