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小型湿式电除尘器的设计 摘 要 我国燃煤发电机组容量占电力总装机容量的 85%左右,年耗煤量近 5 亿吨,燃 煤烟尘排放量占全国工业烟尘排放总量的 40% 以上,列第 1 位。实现电力工业的可 持续发展,在推广净煤燃烧和调整火电结构同时,提高企业烟尘浓度排放标准已势 在必行。即将颁布的燃煤电厂污染物排放标准将燃煤锅炉的粉尘(标准状态)排放 3 要求提高到 100kg/m 。因此,行业的迅速发展需要能达到新排放标准要求性能更高 的电除尘器。 湿式电除尘器是一种重要的环保设备,对于保护和改善环境、使烟气排放符合 国家有关标准、保障民众的身体健康等都有非常重要的意义,它作为一种有效的烟 气净化装置,正发挥着越来越重要的作用。本设计依据煤种、含尘量等工艺条件及 排放标准的要求,对小型湿式电除尘器的性能和结构进行了设计计算;设计抛弃了 电除尘器原本的振打清灰方式,通过选择合理的湿式清灰方法,电极配置、高压供 电方式,使电除尘器更小巧,噪音污染降低。 关键词:小型湿式电除尘器,湿式清灰,结构设计 I 小型湿式电除尘器的设计 Abstract In China ,thermal power generation unit account 85% in the total capacity of Coal-fired power generation,and the coal consume approaches 50 million t/a. Thermal power stations are the most important fly ash discharge sources,which discharged more than 40% of the whole industry dust. For the sustained development of electric power industry,expect for burning the cleaned coal and adjustment of construction of thermal power generation,the upgrade of thermal power stations fly ash discharge criterion is imperative under the situation. According to the new edition of thermal criterion,the 3 discharged concentration of dust will be restricted to 100 mg/m . Hence,the more capable electrostatic precipitations which can suit for boiler coal and technologic process are needed. Wet Electrostatic Precipitators (WESP) is an important practical significance for protecting the people’s health,improving the environment,flue gas emissions in line with the state standards 、protect peoples health


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