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Wuwei,artist 竟庐厚沧屈蠢季狐僻蒲交杨仿远促勿诺榔苔酝柠捡摈宇辽华埂篓凛嘱诊慢9A UNIT1 READING课件9A UNIT1 READING课件 "Wuwei is a born artist",said his best friends."He is quiet and doesn't like to talk much,but his work shouts!"WuWei, the young artist, has impressed the whole country with his creative work.His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square have won high praise from the art community ."I want to share the best art with people,so I'm always searching for something better or difficult. This in itself is great fun,"he said. 腹歇则貉订懊坐虾漏相嫁纫屠吱逮胚每申搓灾逢债转此亦琉彪苏珊局颖辣9A UNIT1 READING课件9A UNIT1 READING课件 SuNing,manager 屏愚浸多斗难屯泡秆干裴赦扫叼缆省跨擒顾大拈遂话寻湾侥铸沈滩案丫喉9A UNIT1 READING课件9A UNIT1 READING课件 Suning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago and started to work for the sales department in a big company."I'm active and energetic,and I love working with people. however,in my last job, I could only work with numbers day after day.that made me unhappy!"SuNing is now the general manager of the company."Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind.I am ready to take on new challenges any time,"she said. 葡迭吁篱览躁邦牢裹粹凹逼翠豫榴背鸟闺膀活甲舟拆阴弦膀刚谢骆寻琢颊9A UNIT1 READING课件9A UNIT1 READING课件 Liutao,engineer 笺函勤屡嘶可既胶尧瑚寻柞柄交矮样呵悸氢急槽恩杜郑雷稽雌汰炭窜翰咀9A UNIT1 READING课件9A UNIT1 READING课件 Liutao is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin."To us,a miss is as good as a mile. We can't afford to make any mistakes,"said Mr Liu."All of us know that it's necessary to pay attention to every detail.""He's serious and well organized,"One of his team members said,"He always works to high standards, but he's modest and easy to work with." 潦饿袋税泰叶爪限准沂序疡瞬晒青泽关缅弗帐蝇骸盼缔潘生践巫蔷各绞牵9A UNIT1 READING课件9A UNIT1 READING课件 Fang yuan, doctor 俘啄钎龙咳柒秋嫉秉坍柄平仰吊选词欧兄面蚕班契咖卒剥勇淌椎拎凄栽的9A UNIT1 READING课件9A UNIT1 READING课件 Fang Yuan,head of Sunshine Hospital and a pioneer surgeon,is kind and patient."As a doctor, you can't be too careful,"She said."Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to pat


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