和亲戚合伙做生意的困惑,谁可以帮我管理(Relatives and business management confusion, who can help me).doc

和亲戚合伙做生意的困惑,谁可以帮我管理(Relatives and business management confusion, who can help me).doc

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和亲戚合伙做生意的困惑,谁可以帮我管理(Relatives and business management confusion, who can help me)

和亲戚合伙做生意的困惑,谁可以帮我管理(Relatives and business management confusion, who can help me) Do pickles factory last year and in partnership with relatives, factory so far invested about 300000, I have no money just voted 4 million, not to relatives in the factory, Im the only one in the management, after a year of development, the factory is not very ideal, our factory is mainly producing semi-finished pickled vegetables that is, some vegetables just add salt, sales is the real production of pickle factory, there are not many customers, we mainly rely on local brokers to do this to pull our products, relatively low profits. And inspected a few pickles processing factory, they purchase these semi-finished products mainly rely on more familiar relationship. Such as our semi-finished processing plants do not know, unfamiliar, they generally do not. Therefore, our factory is relatively passive at present. After the inspection found a finished pickles processing run fine, can also run out of the market to sell, to study a city, as long as the quality is moderate in price, the market is not difficult to carry out, is preparing to finished processing development, but partners strongly disagree, think of the investment and set up factories not to make money, capital did not come back, want to develop slowly, now if the processing of finished products and investment, do not want to do, this is my opinion, there are existing workshop equipment factory, basically, their clients door-to-door, just can be sent up logistics and distribution, has just started a small figure, etc. products have been recognized by the market, for example with the car, service delivery and other personnel, but the two of us failed to reach consensus. The closer this time has been considering this issue, is the comprehensive development to relatives, step by step, or my opinion about the development of pickles products, feasible, my mind must not up like a lot of money, I just see the semi-finished product mark



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