国企市场化进程中人力资源管理所面临的挑战(Facing the human resources management of state owned enterprises in the process of market challenges).doc

国企市场化进程中人力资源管理所面临的挑战(Facing the human resources management of state owned enterprises in the process of market challenges).doc

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国企市场化进程中人力资源管理所面临的挑战(Facing the human resources management of state owned enterprises in the process of market challenges)

国企市场化进程中人力资源管理所面临的挑战(Facing the human resources management of state owned enterprises in the process of market challenges) Facing the human resources management of state owned enterprises in the process of market challenges In the process of marketization of SOE Human resource management challenges faced by 2008-12-20 15:15:56 Chat recently and many consulting friends, we have said recently many of the project at hand are large state-owned enterprises human resources management project, such as salary, performance, occupation career planning, competency model etc.. I feel the same from 03 years, the large state-owned enterprises has become my main customer service, and some relatively closed industries, such as electricity, coal industry enterprises have begun large-scale management consulting firm hired. This is exactly what the phenomenon exists? What trends? I hope to talk to large state-owned enterprises faced in the process of human resource challenges in the market, and the consulting practice in handling ideas and suggestions. The HR wave of change Why in recent years state-owned large-scale HR change? The author believes that the reform of personnel system in the country to promote and accelerate the process of domestic market are inseparable. The reform of personnel system in the country since 90s, with the merit of employment mechanism, can the employing mechanism, and based on the 3P (post, performance, capacity allocation mechanism reform) as the representative, presented a great challenge to the traditional personnel management mode of state-owned enterprises. The reform of the personnel system from mobile first higher degree of market-oriented industry began, after years of practice and research, has a full range of large state-owned enterprises to promote, become the focus of the work together in front of the large state-owned enterprises. If the reform of personnel system in the country HR reform of state-owned companies is initiated, then the cataly



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