国企反腐倡廉建设工作总结(The construction of anti-corruption work summary).docVIP

国企反腐倡廉建设工作总结(The construction of anti-corruption work summary).doc

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国企反腐倡廉建设工作总结(The construction of anti-corruption work summary)

国企反腐倡廉建设工作总结(The construction of anti-corruption work summary) It is free of resource network - investigation report on how to further improve the comprehensive management of long-term working mechanism The navigation / JS code Var expandState = 0; Function (expand) { If (expandState = 0) and {setPace (Master, 0, 10, 10); if (ie) {document.menutop.src =/images/menui.gif}; expandState = 1;} Else{setPace (Master, -200, 10, 10); if (ie) {document.menutop.src=/images/menuo.gif}; expandState = 0;} } Document.write (#master {LEFT: -200px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 25px; VISIBILITY: visible; Z-INDEX: 999}) (document.write); (document.write); Document.write (column navigation tree); (document.write); Var ie = document.all? 1: 0 Var ns = document.layers? 1: 0 Var master = new Object (element) Master.curLeft = -200; master.curTop = 10; Master.gapLeft = 0; master.gapTop = 0; Master.timer = null; If (ie) {var sidemenu = document.all.master;} If (NS) {var sidemenu = document.master;} SetInterval (FixY) , (100); / / change the picture size Function resizepic (thispic) { If (thispic.width700) {thispic.height=thispic.height*700/thispic.width; thispic.width=700;} } / / Zoom picture size Function bbimg (o) { Var zoom=parseInt (o.style.zoom, 10) ||100; Zoom+=event.wheelDelta/12; If (zoom0) o.style.zoom=zoom+%; Return false; } Double click the mouse scroll code / / Var currentpos, timer; Function (initialize) { Timer=setInterval (ScrollWindow (), 30); } Function (SC) { ClearInterval (timer); } Function (ScrollWindow) { Currentpos=document.body.scrollTop; Window.scroll (0, ++currentpos); If (currentpos =document.body.scrollTop!) (SC); } Document.onmousedown=sc Document.ondblclick=initialize / / change the font size. Var status0=; Var curfontsize=10; Var curlineheight=18; Function (fontZoomA) { If (curfontsize8) { Document.getElementById (fontzoom).Style.fontSize= (--curfontsize) +pt; Document.getElementById (fontzoom).Style.lineHeight= (--curlineheight) +pt; } } Function (fontZoomB) { If


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