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22 1 V o l.22 N o .1 2010 2              P ro ceedings of the CSU-EPSA              Feb. 2010 ① 1, 2 2 2 2 ,  , , (1., 510275 ; 2., 5 10275) : FF T , 。 , M allat 、、 。 , 。 , , 。 :;;; :T M 714  :A   :100 3-8930(2010)01-00 80-06 Harmonic Detection Based on Wavelet Transform 1, 2 2 2 2 Z H OU Lo ng-hua , F U Qing , Y U Shi-ie , LI Xi ang-feng (1.Schoo l of M at hemati cs and Com put ational Science, Sun Y at-sen University, Guangzho u 510275, China; 2.School of P hy sics and Engi neering, Sun Y at-sen Universit y, Guangzhou 5 10275, China) Abstract:Compared w ith traditional harmo nic detectio n methods, snch as the instantaneou s reactive pow er theory and F F T, the harmo nic de tection method based on w av elet transfor m h ias many adv antag es.Acco rding to the cur rent har monic e xt raction technolog y, the pape r ana ly ses the applica tion of the harmo nic detection methods based o n M allat arithmetic, w avelet packet, co ntinuou s w avele t tr ansfo rm and comple x w avelet trans- form in the po w e r quality detection.Then their adva ntag es and disadvantag es are analy zed and compared to g et the characteristics and apply o ccasio ns.In the end, the questio ns e xisting in these me tho ds are pointed out and slov ed, and some opinio ns about the developing trend o f w avelet tra nsfo rm in po w e r sy stem are put forw ar d. Key words:ha rmonic detec tion;w avele t transform;pow e r quality;po w e r sy stem   , , , , 。 。1994 , Riberio ,




