你不知道的人体养生时钟(The body clock you don't know).doc

你不知道的人体养生时钟(The body clock you don't know).doc

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你不知道的人体养生时钟(The body clock you don't know) The body clock you don't know 2011-5-3?? button??? I'd like to comment (0) There are 24 hours a day, this is as everyone knows, but you know? The human body the viscera also has its own clock, let's take a look at the body's biological clock! * midnight 11:00 - 01:00? Shallow sleep metabolism of Qi and blood in the bile twelve hour of the first, the foot Shaoyang meridians most prosperous time, help digestion and metabolism of human bile, time to rest, to help digest food. * 01:00 a.m. - 03:00? Sensitive body, Qi and blood in the liver is the most sensitive body moment is liver meridian the most busy time, liver storing blood, catharsis, and emotion, and there is a close relationship between the rib eye, should let the body out of sleep, let the liver complete body of toxins and waste. * 3:00 a.m. - 5:00? Heliophilousis Qixuesheng time period of cathode on the cathode Yang lung qi and blood of the body and the night environment, blood enters the lung meridian, breathing outside the fur, patients most likely onset time, often ill death at this time, the best do not exceed this time to stay up late. * 5:00 - 7:00 in the morning? Net blood in Escherichia defecation intestinal phase of large intestine meridian of hand Yangming the most prosperous time, e. main transportation and waste, the most easily through defecation, stool color, shape, size, can view the physical condition, 2 - 3 cm diameter of normal feces, 7 - 9 cm long, not stink. * morning 7:00 - 9:00? Nutrient absorption in the stomach qi period of systemic nutrition only hub, blood in Yangming stomach, then Qi and blood, the body meridians in the viscera, the stomach is the source of energy and biochemical, this period is the key to the stomach. * morning 9:00 - 11:00? Learning the essence of Qi and blood in the spleen in systemic blood the most prosperous time, spleen meridian is the most exuberant, breakfast food after the stomach to digest, spleen to manufacture b


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