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第二章 需求与供给 §2.1 需求和供给 §2.2 供求模型 §2.3 需求弹性和供给弹性 §2.1 需求和供给 一 需求 二 供给 一、需求 1、需求量的含义 需求量(quantity demanded):消费者在某一时期,某种价格水平时,愿意并可能购买的产品与劳务的数量。 欲望(preference)和支付能力(affordable) 2、需求(demand):商品需求量与该商品价格的相互关系。 3、需求定律(law of demand) 需求定律表明的是需求与价格的关系,即当经济中其他因素保持不变,而只有价格变化时,一般的或正常的需求与价格成反方向变动。 4、需求曲线 5、影响需求的其他因素: 偏好(Preference) 收入(income) 相关商品价格:替代品和互补品(substitutes, complements) 预期(expectation) 6、需求量的变化和需求的变化 The change of quantity demanded The change of demand 7、个人需求曲线和市场需求曲线 二、供给 1 供给量(quantity supplied):某一时期生产者愿意并能够向市场提供的商品和服务的数量。 2 供给:商品供给量和商品价格间的一种关系。 3、供给定律(law of supply) 供给定律表明的是供给与价格的关系,即当经济中其他因素保持不变,而只有价格变化时,一般的或正常的供给与价格成同方向变动。 4、供给曲线 5、影响供给的其他因素: 技术(technology) 生产要素的价格(inputs price) 其他商品价格: 预期(expectation) 政府税收 6、供给量的变化和供给的变化 The change of quantity supplied The change of supply 吉芬商品??? 1845年,爱尔兰灾荒时,,土豆价格急剧上涨,但需求量反而上升。 需求曲线向右上方倾斜?? §2.2 供求模型 一 供求均衡 二 蛛网模型 一 供求均衡: Some key terms Market:a set of arrangements by which buyers and sellers are in contact to exchange goods or services Demand:the quantity of a good buyers wish to purchase at each conceivable price Supply:the quantity of a good sellers wish to sell at each conceivable price Equilibrium price:price at which quantity supplied = quantity demanded The Demand curve shows the relation between price and quantity demanded holding other things constant “Other things” include: the price of related goods consumer incomes consumer preferences Changes in these other things affect the position of the demand curve The Supply curve shows the relation between price and quantity supplied holding other things constant “Other things” include: technology input costs government tax Changes in these other things affect the position of the supply curve Market equilibrium Market equilibrium is at E0 where quantity demanded equals quantity supplied with price P0 and quantity Q0 Market equilibrium If price were above P0 there would be excess supply producers wish to supply more


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