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Unit 1 Remember the rules The First Period Warming-up Ask some questions about their winter holidays: T: Did you have a good time during your winter holidays? What did you do ? Where did you go ? Who did you go with? What did you see there ? Did you buy anything ? etc. Or just say: Tell us something interesting / fun/ during the holidays. Try to help Ss to answer questions or tell a story in the past tense. A. Listening Questions Where are they going? What are the rules at the library/ at the swimming pool/ at the cinema/ in the classroom? etc. always never at the library talk quietly, line up push at the swimming pool walk slowly walk quickly at the cinema listen carefully talk loudly in the classroom talk quietly chase in the corridor … … Reading Explanation be going to go be going I’m going to go to the museum = I’m going to the museum. adj.+ ly adv. quiet, careful, quick, slow, loud, happy, heavy, etc. need to do sth. Exercises The Second Period Revision Some phrases and sentences Presentation Show the pictures of a museum and a hospital, ask Ss : What must we do at the museum? What mustn’t we do at the museum? Repeat with some other places. Help Ss to say: We must look and listen carefully. We mustn’t play. etc. Practice: What are the rules in your house? Ss: You must put off your shoes before you come in. You mustn’t smoke.etc. B1 and B2 Listen and answer some questions: What must / mustn’t we do at the library? Where are they going then? Why? What’s wrong with Grandma? What are they going to take to the hospital? What are the rules at the adventure land? Read and explain B3 Talk about what is in each picture Listen to the tape once more to check their answers. Exercises in class: We are going to the library.(同义句) We usually talk quietly at the library.(提问) You need to line up.(提问



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