什么是成功英语PPT(What is Success?).ppt

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什么是成功英语PPT(What is Success?)

What is Success? Should this means the successful? Unit Four: Warm-up Activities Unit Four: Warm-up Activities Unit Four: Warm-up Activities Unit Four: Warm-up Activities Unit Four: Warm-up Activities * * * * * * * * Unit four Our members: Wendy、Chloe、Reynard、Johnason What is your definition about success? In this society, someone define success in terms of the dollar amount on a paycheck. For others, it's the title on their business card. Others may define success in terms of the accolades and awards they have won. ???? 你对成功是怎样定义的? 有些人用薪水定义成功。对另一些人来说,成功是名片上的头衔。其它人也许根据赞誉和奖励来定义。 What is successful? Here, we have a discussion. Success = Money? Success = Power? Success = Money + Power? Success = Publicity? Success = Achievement? Success = Happiness? Our conclusion is, that success has just as many faces as any other possible theme, depending on the society in which it is measured, and the values of the person who measures it. 我们的结论是:同其他任何话题一样,成功也存在着方方面面,取决于衡量它的社会及其评价人的价值观。 Wrongfully, many people confuse success with wealth: they assume that a person’s triumph can be concluded from the expensiveness of his?or?her watch, car,?or?house. 很多人错误地将成功与富有混淆在一起:他们认为一个人的成功从其拥有的名表、名车或者豪宅上便可窥见。 They keep comparing themselves with the Joneses and allow their happiness to depend on the level to which they can equal these people’s lifestyles. 他们总是与比自己富有的圈中人相比较,将自己是否快乐建立在能否达到这些人的生活水准上。 And they forget to just do the simplest thing in the world: turn inside and analyze what it is that they really like. 但是他们却忘记了去做世间最简单的一件事情,那就是反省并发现自己真正的喜好。 I think success should be more synonymous with happiness than with affluence. For it’s only when you find satisfaction with what you’re doing and don’t dread facing every new day when your task has to be embarked upon, that you are really successful. 我认为,成功更应该是幸福,而不是富有。因为只有当你对自己的所作所为心满意足,并不为第二天要做的事担忧的时候,你才真正地获得了成功。 When you can move in an environment that pleases you, and when you feel at ease with the ones you deal with on a daily ba


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