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本 科 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 光电计数器的设计(软件) The Design of Photoelectric counter 学 院: 理学院 专业班级: 光信息科学与技术 光信071 学生姓名: 王 鼎 学 号: 090713124 指导教师: 王素芹(讲师) 2011 年 5 月 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 光电计数器的设计 摘要:光电计数器的应用广泛,常用于测量流水线上的产品的数量以及可检测物品有无缺损,本文设计的数字式光电计数器计数直观、精确、抗干扰性好、可靠性高。可用于测量车站、博物馆、银行、电影院等公共场所的人员数量并丝毫不侵犯被检测人员的个人隐私。 本设计综合利用模拟电路、数字电路、单片机与光电检测技术等相关知识,利用当有物体或人通过时,光电发射装置发出的光被挡光一次,光电接收装置的输出电压就变化一次,这个变化的电压信号通过放大和处理后输入单片机进行计数,并送入数码管进行显示,计数容量为999;本设计还可以自行设定计数容量值,当达计数数量达到设定值时报警。 关键词:计数器;光电传感器;单片机 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 The Design of Photoelectric counter Abstract: Photoelectric counter is widely used, commonly used to measure the number of products on line and can detect whether the defect items. The Photoelectric counter of this article can count and display intuitive and accurate, it is reliable and avoid interference too. The photoelectric counter Can be used to measure the station, museums, banks, cinemas and other public places of the number of personnel, and did not violate the personal privacy of detected This design comprehensive utilization the knowledge of analog and digital circuit of photoelectric detection technology, a single chip microcomputer. By reflecting photoelectric sensor, the infrared luminescence tubes and optoelectronics receiving tube adjacent put, whenever objects through time, infrared light is reflected, photoelectric receiving tube receiving once photoelectric receiving pipe output, voltage has a time change, this change voltage signal by amplifying and processed, forming counting pulses, through photoelectric isolating coupling parallel input to at89c51 MCU P2 mouth, through software control and keyboard settings count valuea and LED to display, can realize to the object counting statistics. The counting capacity is 999,uers can set the counting capacity themselves. When amounted to count quantity to set value alarm. Keywords: Counter;Photoelectric Sensor;Single


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