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托福30天备考计划第17天之词汇摘要:托福一个月备考计划第17天之词汇:每一天制定不同的托福备考方案,30天后,让我们拿下托福100+!快快练起吧!  unit 17  accommodate  admit  alter  anxiety  artifact  autobiography  bark  bend  bond  broadcast  camel  cartoon  census  circuit  coincide  compose  congestion  continuous  corrosion  cube  decline  descend  dioxide  disturb  dull  eligible  engage  erode  exocrine  fair  finish  fluid  friction  generalization  glaze  hammer  height  hook  ignorant  impose  ingredient  institute  intoxication  jaw  lace  leisure  lizard  lyric  marrow  merciless  miniature  monster  naked  nitrogen  observatory  optical  outweigh  parasite  penchant  petroleum  plank  polygon  praise  prevent  profit  protein  quadrilateral  random  recede  refreshing  religion  representation  restore  ridge  routine  saturated  search  serene  shore  sketch  soldier  spectacle  spur  stature  storage  stub  sufficient  surplus  synchronous  technical  territory  thrust  topic  transformation  triumph  typical  urban  vast  violent  warfare  willowzone托福30天备考计划第17天之阅读摘要:托福30天备考计划第17天之阅读:每一天制定不同的托福备考方案,30天后,让我们拿下托福100+!TPO12-2 Transition to Sound in Film 默片向有声电影的转变,快快操练起来吧!  TPO12-2 Transition to Sound in Film 默片向有声电影的转变【TPO12原文及答案】  法国黑白浪漫爱情默片《大艺术家》于2012年2月26日一举斩获奥斯卡五项大奖,向“默片年代”致敬的同时,我们也来感受下默片向有声这电影史上极为重要的一跃。  1. The shift from silent to sound film at the end of the 1920s marks, so far, the most important transformation in motion picture history.(最高级是事实信息题的考点之一。)  2. Despite all the highly visible technological developments in theatrical and home delivery of the moving image that have occurred over the decades since then, no single innovation has come close tobeing regarded as a similar kind of watershed.(练习断句。)  3. In Berlin, for the premiere performance(首映) outsidethe Soviet Union of The Battleship Potemkin, film director Sergei Eisenstein worked with Austrian composer Edmund Meisel (1874-1930) on a musical score matching sound to image; the Berlin screenings with live music helped to bringthe film its wide internation


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